Cipher Frontier Issue 8
Issue 8: Having a Pleasant Match
Hup! Fwah! Hiyaaah!
Such a racket you're making… what are you doing, Emma?
Ah! Miss Shade! Can't you tell?
I’m practicing drawing cards from my deck swiftly!
I was actually thinking of joining one of the officially-sanctioned Card Shop Tournaments…
So I thought I'd practice how to handle my cards!
My turn!
Hyah! Bam! Fwoah!
Now, why would you do that?
Well, if I'm sloppy about it, that wouldn't be showing my opponent the respect they deserve, right?
I don't want to be rude!
What was that you just said?
"Hyah! Bam! Fwoah!"
No, after that!
I don't want to be rude...
Yes, that!
Emma, if you want to prepare yourself for a tournament, rather than practicing drawing your cards,
you should probably go over match etiquette.
One of the cornerstones of playing a TCG is communication.
So you should just review how to interact with your opponent respectfully.
Whaaaat! I see, so I got it all wrong…!?
B-But, it's my first time, so I have no idea what’s rude and what’s not, right…?
What am I gonna do if I accidentally do something rude and my opponent gets mad…
Hmmm, that’s true… then I’ll explain to you proper etiquette for playing in a tournament in simple terms ❤
Are you ready, Emma?
Yes, Professor Shade!
So, I’ll start by teaching you the most important thing… the most important thing is…
Gulp... is...?
Emma, before a match, what do you say to your opponent?
Huh? G...Good luck?
And what do you say after finishing a match?
Thanks for the match!
Perfect, gold star!
Yaaaay! I got a gold star~!!
…wait, isn't that just basic manners?
It is. It seems obvious, doesn't it?
But basic manners
are the foundation of a good match.
Well, I'm confident in my manners! I’ll be sure to greet my opponent perfectly!
That's the spirit! That's step one!
Next is making sure you’re up-to-date on the latest rules.
They’re written on the website and in the rulebook, so make sure to review them from time-to-time.
Alright, I’ll review them as best I can!
But, well, I don’t think I could memorize every card…
I've never had too much trouble remembering the basic gist of each card.
But memorizing each one might be a bit much to expect.
If you don’t know what an opponent’s card can do, it’s fine to check but never touch your opponent's cards without asking first!
Huuuuh! Oh no, I’ve definitely done that before!
I'm so sorryyy!
Every once in a while, you might do it without realizing in the heat of the moment.
But if you want to pick a card up or check its skills, it’s proper manners to ask permission first,
maybe "May I look at this card?" or something to that effect.
Try to be mindful of it.
Got it!
Let's all treat each other's cards with respect.
Speaking of touching cards, when shuffling your deck before a match,
it’s standard to allow your opponent to cut your deck for you so that they can be sure you’re not cheating. That’s not quite a matter of manners, but it bears worth mentioning here.
Roger that!
Next, always make dure to communicate what you’re doing throughout the match.
Rather than prioritize speed of play, prioritize making sure play is comprehensible for both parties by explaining your actions to your opponent clearly.
Try not to intentionally drag the match out, but take care in making sure your opponent understands what is going on throughout the match.
Of course, if you’re used to playing together, you can get a good tempo going.
But making sure everyone is comfortable is key.
I see… that definitely feels like communication to me!
I'm taking notes!
…is there anything else?
Let's see… when it comes to your opponent’s deck or how they play,
you really shouldn’t ever be saying things like “your deck is bad” or “it'd be better if you had these cards”.
After all, not everyone is focused exclusively on winning when they build a deck–there are people who like to use their favorite characters, or those who can only build with the things they already own, too.
Yeah, I think I’d feel awful if someone started saying things like that about the deck I worked so hard to build…
It’s perfectly fine to comment on things you like about your opponent’s deck or point out the things they did well in a match!
And if your opponent asks for advice, it's fine to offer your thoughts.
So when it comes down to it, you should just be considerate of your opponent’s feelings.
Right! Be respectful to your opponent.
After all, you can only play a TCG if you have someone to play with.
Never forget to show gratitude to your opponent.
I understand!!
Oh, and if you go to a Tournament, don’t forget to bring writing utensils.
You’ll need a ballpoint pen to record the results of your matches.
It’s poor manners to come unprepared!
Got that, too!
Is that right.
Well then, Emma, are you still feeling uneasy?
Nope, now that I understand better, it makes me want to go to a tournament even more!
That's great.
Well, there’s an overview of the Tournament Rules on the website if you need it.
There are a plethora of details on proper manners and rules within,
so if you are ever feeling unsure, please give it a read.

And with that, today’s lesson is finished.
Thank yoooou!
Fufufu, what perfect manners. Flawless!
Woooooaaahh! I’m super motivated now!
Alright, with all that in mind…
Hup! Fwah! Hiyaaah!
S-So, you’re going to keep doing that, are you?
Yep! But my goal's not speed now!
Now I'm practicing balancing looking cool while being respectful!
I've got to look cool when I finally beat you, Miss Shade!
Well, well… so you’re looking to break out of your losing streak…
Fufufu… I look forward to seeing you try!
What an aura! Is this... communication!?