Cipher Frontier Issue 41
Issue 41: Better Than Good! Series 14 Release!

Hello, everyooone!!!!!!!

Does everybody remember what today is?
How could I forget! Today is...

...the release of Cipher series 14!!

Entitled "Eyegazing Future"! It depicts youths fighting to save their future!
I have been keeping my eyes on the official Twitter and Nico Nico Livestreams--there are plenty of interesting new cards, as far as I can see!
Of course! Let's get on with the product information!
"Eyegazing Future" Booster Packs
Featured Titles:
Awakening, Birthright, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
One 10-card pack: 350 yen (before tax)
One 16-pack box: 5600 yen (before tax)
Lucina, Corrin, and even Ike! Everyone is looking very dignified!
And such serious looks on their faces--it gives the impression of the beginning of a dramatic tale.
The theme for the Brand cards this time is "Present and Future"! Parents and their children--like Chrom and Lucina--fight to change their fates in this series!
A timeless tale of two generations... the drama of Awakening will unfold on the Cipher battlefield. I see!
And these cards are the treasures of the set! She achieves the bright future she has been fighting for and ascends the throne after an arduous battle... Exalt Lucina!
Wooow! Amazing! Miss Lucina shines so brightly I can hardly look at her!
What divinity...! And I see a new kind of skill as well, "AS"!
Good eye! That's an AS, or Awakening Skill! These are skills whose effects scale based on how many times you've Class Changed!
Chrom's Awakening Skill strengthens his allies! A prince on a white horse, racing across the battlefield--isn't he so cool?!
And Master Owain's skill is quite flashy well. If you aren't careful, he'll strike you down where you stand! ...or so he would probably say.
And! We also have the characters that stand against them... characters from the Grimleal!
Eeeeeeeek! It's M-Mister Validar!
The other two are from the Awakening DLC, aren't they? Lotta troublemakers in this one!
And these two come from beyond time and space to launch their attack!
Is this Lady Robin!? And Grima! These cards have such an energy to them!
Hm? The skills on these Robin and Grima cards... both say to send a card to the Boundless Area...?
Good eyes, Alice! These skills utilize the Boundless Area, which is new to Series 14!
B... Boundless Area!? What's that!?
Is that related to Boundless Chaos...? I must investigate......
Niamh!? Where on earth did you...?
...that doesn't matter... Tell me about the "Boundless Area"...
Right! What happens to cards that are sent to the Boundless Area?
Fufufu... as of yet, there aren't any skills that can bring those cards back to your hand, so maybe they're lost forever?
Whaaat!? Could that really be true!?
If that's the case... those are some pretty scary skills, then. Great if they're your allies, but not the case if you're on the other side...
As far as skills related to the Boundless Area go, I have these for you, too!
Oh, Gunter! This is from that scene from the beginning of the game, the one where Hans pushes him off that bridge into the ravine!
Ohhh! And this is Miss Elise during that really sad scene!
Mm... both such sad tales... wait, huh!?
Are these not black cards? I had thought this series was focused on Hoshido!
Hehehe! This series focuses on characters who appear in Fates: Birthright. So it's not only characters from Hoshido--significant characters from Nohr are here as well.
Sooo, we have cards like these as well!
Oh, this is Leo as King of Nohr!
At the end of Birthright, Sir Leo is left to become king of Nohr... so is this a depiction of him at that point?
The fact that he seems to have inherited Siegfried from Master Xander is positively heartwrenching...
But of course, everyones favorite Hoshidans are here as well!
In Series 14, Corrin will join together with their siblings and fight using the power of the new Dragon Blood (DB) Skills!
Is this... a skill that allows each of the siblings to use each others' abilities?
For example, if Corrin and Ryoma were together, both would have the "Lightning-Taming Sword" and "Unbreakable Blade and Heart" skills!
The more units with Dragon Blood skills you have deployed at one time, the stronger each of those units gets.
So this is the power of draconic blood... interesting...
Meanwhile, the Medallion cards in this series are focused on the Greil Mercenaries this time!

These are the highlights!
Ahh! Mister Greil! Leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Ike!
Wait a minute, Emma. This card... it's not Greil!
Could this be...!? Fie, this couldn't be Greil from his time as a Divine Knight, when he was called Gawain!
It is! You don't get to see it during the game, but his time as one of Daein's Four Riders is pictured on this card!
The skills are pretty good too! Well, one of them is a Level 5 skill, so you've gotta stack 5 cards to activate it, which is kinda rough...
That's not a problem! Because we have another card this time... Titania, who supported Greil in leading the Greil Mercenaries!
Oho! This is Mistress Titania in her Master Class--a Gold Knight! She looks wonderful clad in gold armor.
Whaaa!? Look at her "Golden Maneuvers" skill... it lets you use "LvS" skills without stacking!
That's right! It makes it much easier to use LvS skills! And that doesn't just apply to Greil--we have a lot of new cards with LvS skills this time.
And this would not be confined to Series 14 either... all LvS skills up until this point would become easier to use as well.
New opportunities for level up skills... interesting...
And one more! It's been a while since we released any new cards for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE!
Wooow! Mister Itsuki and Mister Mirage Chrom!
Not only them, but the president of the company Lady Maiko as well! No matter which character you pick, the #FE cards always end up with interesting skills!
This makes it easier to make a #FE deck!
Being able to compile a deck no matter which games you choose to feature... this is the best thing about Cipher, in my humble opinion.
The production potential of the president... interesting...
And that about wraps it up for "Eyegazing Future"! We covered a lot of information today!
So many great new cards! I've gotta buy some! Everybody...

Let's go to the card shop!


Ahhh! Wait, everyone, waaait!

W-What is it, Miss Shade!?
Speaking of Series 14, I have a special gift for all of you!
We have... Chrom and Ike smartphone backgrounds for everyone!!
Chrom Smartphone Background Download

Ike Smartphone Background Download
Ohh! What cute pictures of Sir Ike and Sir Chrom!
This illustrations are by Yuugo Okuma, who drew Male Robin and Grima for Series 14!!
Ohh, I love theeem! I'm gonna make them my phone background right now!
Heeey! No faaair! I wanna do that too!!
Set. But... these illustrations... I do not have data on them...
This is my first time seeing them as well. Which cards did you say these were used for, again...?
What, you didn't know...? You've seen these cards, right?


R-Randal, those are secret cards!! Why--! What do you think you're doing spoiling them like this!!!
Hey, hey, don't sweat it, Shade. I mean, it'd be a shame not to show these off!
I mean, this is Cipher Frontier, we're on the frontlines! We've gotta deliver the newest information!
Agreed... As far as information goes, up-to-date is best...
I agree! And speaking of new information, I come bearing some as well. Firstly, I have this.
Wooow! So many cute picturesss!
These are the illustrations for Series 15 that they showed off in the livestream the other day, aren't they! This is definitely recent information.
The featured titles are New Mystery of the Emblem, Fates: Conquest, Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
Tiki and Yumina, Elise and Linoan! Every illustration looks superb!
Seems like they're planning on releasing cards of the characters original to New Mystery of the Emblem, like Kris and Katarina! Looking forward to it!
It may not be completed yet, but I also have these illustrations that are being created for Series 16 as well.


Oh, that's Galle from Binding Blade, and Genny from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia! And Tormod from Radiant Dawn as well!

Huh...? Huh...?

So Sir Galle and Lady Genny will finally be making an appearance in Cipher... what an exciting development!
Mister Tormod is so coool!


If you have found these at all worthy of your time, then I am satisfied.
Val, hold on! Where did... where on earth did you get this information!!
My apologies. I paid Producer Kawade and the production team a visit, and he was kind enough to offer me these...
T...that's surprisingly direct...
I was even given a glimpse of information on Series 17 as well, but as one might expect... they requested I not make that public.
Hey now! That's not even the "frontier" anymore, that's straight up invading their home base!
(Grr... Make no mistake, I'll be the first one to reveal that Series 17 information!)
Series 15 and Series 16... I will begin my analyses immediately...
Before we can move onto those, we must indulge in Series 14! Once you've finished setting your "smartphone" backgrounds, we set our sights on the card shop!
Yesss! I will fight elegantly using Exalt Lucina!
I'm gonna make a deck with Mister Corrin and his siblings and use their Dragon Blood skills!
It's gotta be Divine Knight Greil for me. Seems like fun to use with Titania.
Ahem... then I suppose my choice will be Mistress Maiko...
Yes, yes! Well, let's be on our way, everyone! Then, we can build our decks, and pull an all-nighter having some battles!
Yaaay! That goes for everyone watching, too...

Let's play togetheeer!!!!!!

Good luck...