Cipher Frontier Issue 21
Issue 21: Thanks For a Great Cipher Caravan! I Wonder What Was In Those Decks...
Our first anniversary event, Cipher Caravan...
...went off without a hitch!
Thanks so much for coming everybodyyy!
From the northerly Hokkaido to the southerly Kyushu,
the place was packed with Fire Emblem and Cipher fans from all across the country!
Aye! We were grateful to receive you all...
but it was a hectic two months!
There was the tournament, the tutorials, the sales, and the stage events... of all of the different offerings, which was your favorite, everyone?
I got eeeverything I wanted from the shop, even that playmat I've had my eyes on,
so I'm a happy camper!
And after that, there was Producer Kawade's Cipher Crash Course
 which was super helpful! I made the PERFECT deck!
For I, the highlight was without a doubt the tournament.
Witnessing warriors from all corners of the country compete was satisfying, to say the least!
The results of the Cipher Symbol Derby have also piqued my interest.
What about you, Miss Shade?
Let me think... if I had to pick, I'd say it was the live show featuring the Cavalier Duo from Intelligent Systems' Sound Team.
Every song they played was just amazing!
It was a nice touch that each venue had a different setlist, too.
I also enjoyed the match between Ike's Voice Actor—Michihiko Hagi—and Producer Kawade in Tokyo.
Ohh! That match had me on the edge of my seat!
Yeah, a real unforgettable match, wasn't it?
M-Mister Randal!?
It's always a guessing game whether you'll show up or not...
Well... I come bearing souvenirs for you lovely ladies.
C-Could it be!?
It could. A recreation of the deck Mr. Hagi used in that very match,
with Ike as the main lord.
Where on earth did you...
Well, you know what they say about catching thieves...
Anyway, don't think about it too hard.
Wooow! There's a lot of Ikes in here!
Yeah, you said it.
The key to this deck is using Ike's Level Up mechanic, after all.
Of course. Lady Sanaki, Sir Soren, Sir Ike... a wealth of cards that help with Level Ups.
It includes Ena and Elincia as well to help move enemies who have retreated to the rear back to the front...
It's built around using Ike's "Aether" skill, but for flexibility, it includes some 5-cost Ikes as well... pretty cunning of them.
Aye, aye! A strong core concept reinforced by further flexibility... well-crafted. Flawless!
And, of course... Producer Kawade's deck.
Got some cards I've never even seen before.
Wow, it seems like it uses some as-of-yet unreleased cards from the upcoming Series 6.
To use such a strategy against Sir Hagi, who is fighting fairly... cowardice!
That's adults for you! So sly~!
Well, hey, can't say I blame the guy.
I see... so this deck's focus is using skills to give Sir Xander the greatest power possible.
Y-you mean...?
Bold! Producer Kawade must have called that Sir Hagi would use Ike!
Whaaat! Really!?
That's a pretty amazing read from Mister Kawade!
W... well... I wouldn't exactly call it unexpected...
Hrm... this deck's got a good balance of offense and defense. It's a good one.
It was a very even match!
Yeah! Producer Kawade used his new cards to fight Mister Hagi,
who was building Ike's power bit by bit!
Producer Kawade had a lineup of units, but Ike blue them away with Aether!
Mr. Hagi even had a shirt prepared for the occasion,
and shouted "Aether!" as he used it!
And at the climax of the match, when Producer Kawade attempted a Critical Hit with Arvis to win the match...
Right, right! Mr. Hagi pulled Leanne as his Support card, who prevented the Critical Hit with Miracle Emblem. Thank you, Leanne!
And with one final Aether—! It was a real turnabout victory for Mister Hagi~!
Frustrating for Producer Kawade—he wanted a rematch.
You can watch a match like this time and time again without getting bored.
So, yeah, there were a whole lotta Cipher Caravans with stuff like this.
Did you all enjoy yourselves?
A report on Cipher Caravan, as well as the results from the Symbol Derby, will be announced on the "Summer 2016 Special Live Broadcast" on Saturday, 8/27. Mark your calendars!
See you next time!

Thanks for coming everyooone!