Cipher Frontier Issue 6
Issue 6: Producer Kawade's Deck-Building Course!
Hello, everyone.
This is Fire Emblem Cipher’s Producer, Kawade.
What is it, Emma?
This is supposed to be the “Emma and Shade’s Cipher Frontier!” column, but…
But some person I’ve never seen before is heeere!
What on earth are you saying…
We’re repeating that Cipher Deck Construction Course that was held during the last livestream here, aren’t we?
So, of course, we’ve brought on Producer Kawade as a guest.
...You're right!
He really does look like Producer Kawade!
You know you’re not very good at building a deck, so be sure to pay close attention today.
……Yes, ma’am.
Well then, Producer Kawade.
I’m very interested in seeing how you decide to explain building a deck.
Before I begin my explanation, let’s review the basics.
First of all, when you’re building a Cipher deck, how many cards do you need?
Even I know that!
It's 50 cards!
Yes, that’s correct!
At a minimum, including your lord, you must have at least 50 cards.
You can make the deck as big as you’d like beyond that minimum, but it’s perfectly alright to stick to exactly 50 cards.
That being said, there’s a limit to how many of the same card you can put in a deck.
You can only put 4 cards with the same Card Name in a deck.
Each card has a Title and a Unit Name.
“Altean Prince: Marth” has the Title “Altean Prince” and the Unit Name “Marth”.
The Title and Unit Name together make up the Card Name.
So even if the Unit Name is the same, so long as the Title is different, they don’t count towards the same 4-card total!
On top of that, you must pick one card to be your Lord.
Your Lord must have a Deployment Cost of 1. So you must have at least one card with a Deployment Cost of 1 in your deck.
To summarize what we've gone over so far:
≪Deckbuilding Rules≫
  • Your deck must have at least 50 cards
  • You may only have up to 4 of any cards that share a Card Name
  • You must have at least 1 card with a Deployment Cost of 1 to use as your lord
How should you pick your Lord?
To answer that question, I think I should begin my deck-building explanation proper.
Below, I’ve listed 6 points to consider when making a deck.
≪Deckbuilding Rules≫
  • Choose a Character with Promoted Cards as your Lord
  • Put 4 of your Lord’s Promoted Card in your Deck
  • Make your deck 50 cards
  • Balance the number of Unpromoted and Promoted cards in your deck
  • Include cards with high Support values
  • Add Staves and Bows to your deck
Of course, the methods I will introduce you to today are just one way of building a deck.
As you accustom yourself to the game, you can build more freely.
One of the thrills of playing TCGs is seeing all of the different playstyles that people have, after all.
First up is Point 1: “Choose a Character with Promoted Cards as your Lord”
I recommend choosing a unit with promotions as your Lord. More specifically for beginners, you probably want a unit whose Promoted Card has at least 70 Attack. Since Series 2 is about to release, I'll make the Conquest Starter Deck card “Corrin (Female): Princess of Nohr” my Lord.
This card’s Promoted Cards include “Corrin (Female): Fateful Princess” and “Corrin (Female): The Divine Blade's Chosen Princess”.
All of these cards are so… dignified and beautiful!
How many Promoted Cards should you put in your deck?
That leads us into Point 2: Put 4 of your Lord’s Promoted Card in your Deck.
Since promotion increases your Attack and strengthens your skills, in order to make promoting easier, I recommend including 4 Promoted Cards for Lords with only one Promotion option, and 6-8 Promoted Cards for those with more.
For this deck, I will include 4 “Corrin (Female): Fateful Princess” cards and 2 “Corrin (Female): The Divine Blade's Chosen Princess” cards.
So you’ll have 7 Corrin cards…
Well, since 50 cards is a lower limit, I figure you can add as many cards as you want without worrying too much.
That leads us into Point 3: “Make a 50-card deck”.
Producer Kawade, didn’t you say before that you could have as many cards as you wanted as long as it was at least 50?!
You’re such a liar!
I promise I have a good reason for saying this!
An unpromoted lord with low Attack is easy to destroy, so whenever possible, it’s recommended to have a lot of Lord cards to increase your chances of being able to promote.
The less cards you have in your deck overall, the greater your chances of drawing your lord's promotion, which is why I suggest only 50 cards.
But you are absolutely allowed to just create a giant deck with all of your favorite units.
Oh, I get it now!
But you probably want promotions for units who aren't your lord too, right?
So what are your recommendations there?
Which leads us into Point 4: “Balance the number of Unpromoted and Promoted cards in your deck”.
I recommend having a 3:2 ratio of Unpromoted to Promoted cards.
If you include too many Promoted cards, deployment becomes difficult.
Everything in moderation...
This seems like something you adjust as you test your deck out with others.
Everything in moderation... This seems like something you adjust as you test your deck out with others.
Hm, hm…
I think I understand the balance between Unpromoted and Promoted cards now, so I’ll add in this! But do you have any more specific recommendations on units to put in, Producer Kawade?
Next up, Point 5: “Add in cards with high Support values”
The more high-Support units you have, the easier it is to win battles.
Units with high support values are generally fliers!
When I am building a deck, I usually include 15-20 fliers.
That many!?
Are you sure that's not too much?
High Support isn’t just good for attacking–it’s good for defending too.
That many actually sounds pretty good to me.
Our lord this time is Corrin (Female), so let's add 3 “Camilla: Eldest Princess of Nohr” cards and 2 Promoted “Camilla: Bewitching Knight” cards. Let’s not forget that 3:2 ratio from Point 4.
And finally, the final Point: “Add Staves and Bows to your deck".
Staff units have skills like “Heal”, which allows you to return a card from your Discard Pile to your hand.
This is useful for grabbing cards for Class Changing, executing Critical Hits, and Dodging.
So to this deck, I will be adding 3 “Elise: Young Princess of Nohr” cards and 2 “Elise: Adorable Strategist” cards.
If you have this many of the Nohrian Siblings, you may as well add in Mister Xander and Mister Leo too, right?
Yeah, let's go for it.
So I’ll add in “Xander: Eldest Prince of Nohr” and “Xander: Crown Prince of Nohr”, “Leo: Young Prince of Nohr” and “Leo: Gravity Master” in that 3:2 ratio.
Can you really just decide to do that on a whim?
[resolutely] It’s fine!
The most important thing when making a deck is to have fun.
The first thing you should do when making a deck is put your favorite cards in!
Wow, it's a Nohrian family reunion!
But we're still forgetting the “Bows” from Point 6…
You should never forget about the Frontlines and Backlines when strategizing.
The range that Bow Units boast is very useful for this reason. 
And in particular, the Support Skill “Attack Emblem”–which adds 40 to the unit you’re supporting’s Attack Power when initiating combat–increases your chances of destroying the enemy
Are there any Nohrian bow-users right now?
...there aren't.
So, I’ll add 3 each of Hoshido’s “Takumi: Young Prince of Hoshido” and “Setsuna: Absent Archer”
Soooo… that makes 33 cards now, right?
We've got enough cards that it's finally starting to look like a deck!
From here on, let’s continue to consider the 6 points and fill out our deck further.
We still don’t have enough fliers, so let’s add in Camilla’s retainer, “Beruka: Stoic Assassin” and her promotion “Beruka: Loveless Edge”.
That brings us to 10 fliers…
Just a few more.
But there aren’t any fliers left in Nohr, so let’s add in “Hinoka: Eldest Princess of Hoshido” and her promoted card “Hinoka: Warrior Princess”, who have synergy with Setsuna.
Let’s add in “Ryoma: Eldest Prince of Hoshido” and “Ryoma: Heir to Hoshido” while we're at it. Both in the 3:2 ratio.
And so, last must be some Sakura cards, right!
No, now we add in “Reina: Morbidly-Fixated Warrior”!
Because I prefer older women… just kidding. Actually,
it’s because “Sakura: Young Princess of Hoshido”’s skill “Bloom Festal” has the same effect as “Elise: Young Princess of Nohr”’s “Heal”.
So instead, I added Reina, who is a flier with a range of 2–something none of my other cards compare to.
I’m not so sure that was a joke…
Well, you did say the important thing was to use the characters you like…
With this addition, it seems like your deck is complete.
Yes, it’s finished.
But Producer Kawade, are you sure you were really thinking things through properly at the end there?
Shouldn’t you put more thought into it…?
Well, when you say it like that, I feel like I don't have a choice.
Usually I would only start making corrections after giving the deck a few test runs, but let’s review a little here.
What problems do you see with this deck?
Hmm... maybe those Ryoma cards you added?
Notably, “Ryoma: Heir to Hoshido’s" skill “I will not yield!” is only usable if you only have White cards in your bond area…
Then, how about we add the Cipher-original character “Emma”?
She’s a flier, and her skill “Winged Deliverer” can be useful.
So let’s remove both Ryoma cards, and add in “Emma: Sky Knight Apprentice” and “Emma: Kinshi Knight Fledgling”.
That's meeeee!!
I'll give it my aaall!
Sorry, Ryoma fans…
Also, I want more high-attack power cards aside from Corrin, so let’s increase the number of Xander cards in our deck.
Let’s remove 2 “Leo: Gravity Master” cards, and increase each of our Xander cards by one.
How does that look?
With the support of fliers, our high-powered lord and Xander can flourish, which seems pretty nice, right?
Such a small change has such a big impact.
I’m surprised!
Speaking of which, do you think I could be added to…
I’m going to be sooo helpful!
I hope that this has been helpful for everyone wanting to build a deck.
Ah, I…
Thank you so much, Producer Kawadeeee!
Please come back and teach us more sometime!!
Of course, the pleasure is mine!
Well then, everyone, look forward to our next “Cipher Frontier!”