Cipher Frontier Issue 23
Issue 23: Bookending the Years With Cipher!

Hello everyooone!!

2016 is coming to a close.
We've played a lot of Cipher this year, didn't we?
Aye! However... it's still not enough!
More battles—I want to continue refining my form!
Well, you don't need to worry about that!
They already talked about it in the Special Broadcast the other day,
but there are plenty of Cipher Events coming up, from this December all the way out into next year.
They've already announced that many!?
So everyone's gonna get to play a lot of Cipher!
I'm so excited!
But before we talk about that...
Cipher Series 7, "Conquering Honor", releases in December!
Wooow! Mister Ryoma and Mister Eliwood!
Look how cool the packaging is!
The release date has been confirmed as Thursday, 12/8.
The featured titles are "Blazing Blade" and the Hoshidan side of "Fates: Revelation"
Now, let's show off some of the cards.
Same as with "Binding Blade", "Blazing Blade" cards feature a Support theme. Series 7 introduces cards with "Atk/Def Support Skills" and "Support Power X"!
Sir Hector, Lady Lyn... even Sir Lloyd!
To fight with the help of such prominent fighters is like a dream!
And same as Series 6's Nohr cards, Series 7's Hoshido cards show off new "Dragon Vein" skills. They'll make for some real intense battles!
Miss Hinoka... erm, I mean, Princess Hinoka!
I need one of her! And these pretty red-and-white Mister Saizo and Miss Kagerou cards too!
Right? Speaking of which... wait, Randal!?
Hey! Late again this time. Sorry, my bad.
Fie, you truly are a man with no sense of time...
But, um, you were saying...?
You're a smart kid, Emma.
Here, I've got a souvenir for you... take some new cards!
Whoooaa! It's Priscilla and Hisame!
Sir Raven... wait, could that be!? Pray thee, isn't that Sir Sumeragi!
Where did you get this info...!?
Well, regardless, these cards are quite exciting.
C'mon, it's fine. Does it matter how I got my hands on 'em? Call it hard work.
A-amazing! I'm itching to put them to use!
Wait! That's right, they're doing another one of those campaign
things alongside Series 7's release, aren't they?
That's right!
They'll be distributing special clearfiles starting Thursday, 12/8! They're calling it... "The Let's Go Get Special Clearfiles Gift Campaign"!!
E-erm... th-that... is an interesting name...!
Well, it could be worse.
If you buy 8 booster packs, you'll get one of these three clearfiles!
Ohh~! All these characters from across the generations! Gorgeous!
You can find information on participating stores here.
Now, listen to this—I have information on another event!
Starting alongside Series 7, the "Beginner's Workshop and Trio Competition" begins!
The "Beginner's Workshop" is exactly what it sounds like—Staff will teach the game rules to people who are just starting out, it's aimed at beginners.
It's fun to collect Cipher cards, but it's even more fun to play with them, y'know!
You're right. I really hope that we get a lot of new faces at this one—especially all you fans of Blazing Blade!
I'm more interested in this "Trio Competition"... what do you mean by that?
Let me summarize. Everyone forms teams of three, and then each team competes with another, with each team member facing a member of the other team. Whichever team has 2 or more victories by the end of the matches comes out victorious.
Hohoh, a team battle... that's a first for Cipher events!
Gather your allies and claim your victory! ...or something like that. Sounds fun.
Teams will be determined randomly day-of, so feel free to show up by yourself!
It's a different experience than a standard match, so please give it a shot.
The "Beginner's Workshop and Trio Competition" is still accepting applicants!
So come play with us!
But wait, there's more! Come end of December, and the end of 2016...

Cipher will be tabling at Comiket~!

Comi...ket? What's that?
Ooh, right! Randal, you weren't here last year, were you?
It's a biiig event that takes place at Tokyo Big Site!
Aye. This year it is being held from 12/29 to 12/31!
There will be a lot of original Cipher goods for sale this year too, so please come take a look.
I definitely want new playmats, I wonder if they'll have any...?
Oh, and badges!
At the livestream, they showed off a card case with Lady Hinoka on it... I wonder if it was a hint that they will have card cases...?
W-well, who knows?
Oh yeah, those deck boxes and storage cases good ol' Uncle Kawade showed off?
Seems like they'll have two of 'em this year.
Take a look at the designs!
What's this!? T-This is my first time seeing anything like this!!
They'll have these new "Fire Emblem 0 Artworks", too.
Such great news!
A showcase of beautiful illustrations!
And there's more than just that.
Sounds like they're still preparing the real crown jewel of the goods, too...
C-Crown jewel!? I'm SO curious!
What is it, what is it!? What could it be!?
Well, don't get yourself all worked up!
They're gonna announce all the goods that they'll have for sale at the Series 7 Release Livestream, so just mark that down on your calendar.
Wh!? And you're even making the stream announcements now! Cut it out, you're going to put me out of a job—!!

See you there!

AHEM! Pull yourself together, Shade...
Aaaaaand, we've got one more event!
Our Year-End Party!
I've been waiting for this announcement!
2016 is gonna be full of excitement until the very end!
"Year-End Party", huh... Sounds fun. Where and when is it gonna be held?
On the second day of Comiket, the evening of 12/30.
The location will be Seavance Hall in Hamamatsu, Tokyo.
Last year, there was a lot of passionate Fire Emblem discussion, and plenty of Cipher battles, of course.
There will be a crash course on the rules, so it's alright if you don't know how to play.
And a delicious buffet with all-you-can-drink beverages... seems like there's no reason not to go!
We're still accepting participants for this one too, so definitely sign up!
And now begins the 2017 talk!
Starting with the new year, there will be district qualifiers for the Japan's Best tournament.
Ohhh! The beginning of the next nationwide tournament!
I wonder what kinda deck the winner will make... I'm really curious to see it!
Seems like those who win at their local Store Preliminary make it into the District Qualifiers.
Right! Store Preliminaries are being held until 12/7, so you've still got time!
Look for a shop that's holding one and sign up.
And, and, and!!
They are also holding that in February.
Ohh, we're talking about that now, huh!?
Right... that!
On 2/19 in Osaka, and 2/26 in Tokyo...

They're holding Cipherfest 2017 WEST and EAST!!

Last year there were plenty of goods, battles, stage events, and all other manners of things.
The Japan's Best tournament is being held at Cipherfest EAST this year, so note that if you need to.
Illustrators will be holding signings too, I'm so happy~
I eagerly await my fights against Cipher players from across the country!
It's my first time... but, well, last year's event was really hyped up for me, so I'm excited about it.
More information will be released in a steady stream from here on out,
so keep an eye on the website.
And! After Cipherfest comes Series 8's release, too.
A-Already! Wow, that's soon, but I'm excited!
Series 8's featured titles will be Awakening and Genealogy of the Holy War, as far as we've heard.
I'm looking forward to seeing what cards they will make of Sir Chrom and Sir Seliph.
some of the cards might look a little something like this.
Th-these are?!
Isn't that... a Risen from Awakening?
A zombie?!
Cipher's gonna have creepy cards like this in it, too?!
I-I wonder what capabilities they possess...?
Heh, you'll want to keep an eye on Series 8.
Sniff... how can you keep stealing all my announcement!?
I've got my eye on you, Randal!
Whoa, scary!
Hey, Shade, isn't it about time for us to close out?
W... Well, we've said just about everything that needs to be said.
From here to 2017, there's a lot of Fire Emblem Cipher content to come!
From all sorts of events to the Series 7 release!
Lots of fun days to come~!
So buy some Cipher cards and take part in lots of events!
We're counting on you.
So, everybody...!

See you next tiiime!