Cipher Frontier Issue 49
Issue 49: Three Houses, Three Symbols--the Launch of Series 18!

Hello, everyooone!!!!!!!

Another hot summer behind us... it's starting to feel like fall, isn't it?
It's a great time of year to hop on a pegasus and take a ride through the sky!
It is a little easier for everyone to be active around this time.
Aye. My martial training is progressing steadily. As are my Cipher battles!
Right? As it is... I almost feel like venturing into something new, like going to a special tournament or exchange or something!
Going out is nice and all... but nothing beats a night in with some friends and a battle, right?
I want... to investigate and appraise the cards I've collected...
Sounds like everyone is enjoying their fill of Cipher in their own way.
Even though the weather may be cool, Cipher is still ablaze! ...and on that note, we come bearing a delivery for you all today!
Cipher series 18!!!!!!!
"Oratorio of Embarkation" Booster Packs
One 10-card pack: 350 yen (before tax)
One 16-pack box: 5600 yen (before tax)

"Three Houses" starter deck
1480 yen (before tax)Contents:
One 50-card deck, Main character marker card, play sheet, rulebook
The release date for "Oratorio of Embarkation" Booster Packs, and the "Three Houses" Starter Deck!
Clap clap clap claaap!! Everyone can finally make a deck with characters from Three Houses!
I have been waiting for the cards from Awakening and Sacred Stones as well. Make haste with your introduction!
Yes, yes, I hear you... I'll make it quick, then! First, we have the Three Houses cards. As introduced last time, these feature new skills called Crest Powers (CP).
Crest Powers are skills that you use by playing the card from your hand, right?
That's right. You can use them without deploying the card they are attached to.
Skills used from your hand... I wonder just what sorts of battles will unfold...
No idea. I'm pretty pumped to find out!
I would direct your attention to the students, who are making their debut. Some also appear in their older forms from the latter half of the game! And of course, there are cards of the teachers as well!
Wow, they even have cards from after the timeskip!
The students and the teachers both seem incredible, don't they? I want to play a match already!
New skills... new characters... I'll need to update my database and perform further research...
Next, let's introduce the Awakening cards! First, take a look at these two.
Eeeeek! M-miss Grima! She's wearing the same clothes as Validar, leader of the Grimleal... but she looks so... enchantingly terrifying!
And the other one... Tharja, isn't it? This one's got a lot going on... pretty amazing card!
Ufufu. What do you think? Both have skills that make use of the Boundless area.
Grima sends 5 cards from both players' decks to the Boundless Area. What a terrifying ability!
And Tharja continues to plague opponents already dealing with the Boundless Area, also strong!
A practical use for Boundless Chaos... my research never ends...
The Awakening cards this time center around the battle with Plegia of yore, as well as characters with connections to darkness or dark magic. This includes the Tokyo Mirage Sessions representation for this set--the charismatic singer Kiria!
Are these Queen Emmeryn and Prince Chrom cards...!? Could it be... that infamous, tear-jerking scene.
And speaking of dark magic, Lady Cordelia appears to be a Dark Flier here. And Lady Kiria... is... absolutely adorable!
Such a wide variety of cards... strong ones, cute ones... I can't take my eyes off of them!
Next up are the Sacred Stones cards! First is everyone's beloved Prince of Renais, Ephraim!
Wow, what a powerful card! His Sacred Twin Relic is positively radiant.
The greater the number of his allies, the higher his attack power... no doubt this will be to my lady's liking.
Combines well with his ability to lower the deployment cost of his allies. Reassuring for an ally, but terrifying for an opponent!
Additionally, we have other royals and characters, including debuting members of Gerik's Mercenaries--Ewan, Marisa, and Tethys among others!
Lady Marisa finally joins the Booster packs! The legendary 'Crimson Flash'... I'd like to try my hand against her!
It looks like she works well with her fellow mercenaries, too.
It looks like Miss Tana and Mister Innes' card illustrations connect! Do they look a little different to anyone else...?
Lord Innes' appearance as a Ranger is something you cannot see in the original games--it is a Cipher exclusive.
I wanna try using this Commander Valter card.
Hey, don't go introducing new cards all willy-nilly! ...but it does seem like there are quite a lot of unique cards this time.
Strong cards, unique cards... I've gotta check this set out, huh!
And there are plenty of cards just like these in series 18 that we haven't showed off yet!

Please check your card shops, everyooone!!!!!!!

...Umm! By the way, Miss Shade. I noticed it a little while ago, but isn't there one more name in the title than usual...?
Huh!? W-wait, you're right! Wh-wh-what on earth is this all aboooooout!?
Heehee... don't worry about that! That's just little old me.
Ahh, that makes sense.
Phew, what a relief...
Wait, who are yooooou!?
Oh, dear, I seem to have surprised you... I'm so sorry.
Hm...? Hey, she's pretty cute, huh?
That means... you must be...?
That's right! My name is Poe! Producer Kawade reached out to me... I am to help you with your column. Thank you so much for having me, everyone!
What else... I'm a humble servant of the gods who specializes in Warp magic. I hope we can get to know each other.
Wow, she seems so nice!
And well-mannered, no less. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you.
A pleasure to meet you, Emma, Valjean. And you as well, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, and...
Well, if it isn't Niamh! It's been so long!
Oh? Are you two already acquainted?
We are very well acquainted! She and I have been exchanging mortal blows for as long as I can remember!
Huh? Wait, whaaaaaat!?
Boundless Chaos--that which warps reality, swallows up innocents in its flight across spacetime. Evil incarnate. All connected to it are also evil incarnate. And all evil must be offered up for divine judgement.
U-Um... this is starting to get creepy...!
She seems rather... resolute.
Countless times... I've told her that's not the case...
I would take care of her right here and now, but, well, it would cause trouble for you all to have to change the title of this little column on the spot like that. So it will have to wait until the next time we meet on the battlefield... heehee.
Well, I don't really get the details, but... seems like these two are bound by fate or something.
Ahaha... I wonder what's gonna happen to our column from here?
Urgh, this whole thing is giving me a stomachache...
Oh, right! I received these from Producer Kawade--they seem to be my concept art. I may as well show them to you all!
Heeey! No fair! Mine still haven't been released!
Neither have mine...
Ah, and I will be debuting in series 19 from what it seems. I'll show you all this illustration as well~.
I hope you all mark series 19 down on your calendars!
(This girl... She seems to have settled herself in so naturally... I'll have to keep an eye on her...)
Well, regardless, it's a release day! And we have another new member as well, so this calls for some celebration!
Aye. And this marks the first day you will be able to use Crest Powers! Witness their power before your eyes and be left speechless!
Yep. This guy's gonna try to make a deck out of the Sacred Stones cards this time, maybe?
As for myself... I will be studying the Awakening cards that make use of the Boundless Area...
Oh, I do look forward to our battle! Let's both give it our all...!
Val and I have cards in this series too! I've gotta make a deck right away... Val!
Of course. I've prepared your wallet for you, my lady. Let's make our way to...
I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'm going ahead! Warp Magic~!
Heeeeeey! No faaaair!
We can't let her beat us! Let's hurry, everybody!
Let's call it here, then. Alright, everyone...

See you at the card shops~~!!!!!!!