Cipher Frontier Issue 44
Issue 44: Battles! Chatter! The Women-Only Princess Cup.
Hello everyooone!!!!
This time, we're reporting on the Princess Cup that occured the other day!
Princess... cup?
...what's that?
The Princess Cup is a tournament event held among female Cipher players. It was held in Osaka and Tokyo, but Yuzu was insistent upon attending, so the two of us went.
Whaaat! Just the two of you!? I feel so left out!
Yeah! You should've invited us along!
When I heard they would be determining the championess of Cipher, I simply couldn't contain myself. I begged Shade to take me.
I guess I understand... well, how was it?
Aye. Although the word 'tournament' evokes such a serious image... in actuality, it was a rather fun and laid-back event
Wooow, I'm super curious.
Well, then, let's get started on our coverage!
The first thing was an explanation of the tournament. Win conditions, time limits, and other rules were explained thoroughly by the hosts of the event.
Everyone looks so serious...
It is an official Cipher tournament, after all. In order for everyone to enjoy it, there needs to be a strong understanding of the rules and restrictions.
And as soon as the explanation was over, it was time for the battles to begin!!
Sally forth with the decks you've put your hearts and souls into!
I can still remember what it sounded like once they made the starting call--you could hear squeals from here and there as people's opponents revealed their lords.
After all, even if it was your opponent, seeing your favorite character show up would make you pretty happy!
Even during the match, various banter was abounds, and the atmosphere was amicable. For many, it wasn't a matter of whether the deck was weak or strong, but whether or not it contained their favorites.
In both Osaka and Tokyo, there were 4 rounds of preliminaries, and then a final tournament held among the top 8.
Wow, that sounds thrilling!
That adrenaline is a valuable feeling.
Everyone's so good at Cipher, I can't help but admire them!
And in the end, the winners of the Princess Cup who won the grand finals and became the champions were Alice Horie in Osaka, and FITS in Tokyo!
The battles were splendid! Congratulations!
Along with the Princess Cup, there was also a tutorial session for beginners, followed by a Beginners' Cup!
At the tutorial session, the event staff's teachers taught those who didn't know the rules or were otherwise unfamiliar with the game how to play.
And with the tutorial session under their belts, those players took part in the Beginners' Cup!
Everyone taking part in the Beginners' Cup was equipped with a starter deck to take part in this mini tournament. The player group was divided into blocks, and a winner was determined for each.
Seems like a great way for people playing Cipher for the first time to have a stress-free good time!
There were three rounds in all--in the first round, you could tell that the nerves were getting to many.
Yes. But the second round passed, and by the end of the third round, everyone was hungry for more.
Cipher's the sort of game that seems really hard at first, but once you play it, you realize it isn't, it's actually really fun!
Heh heh heh... Maybe among those women is a future rival!
And after the tournaments were over, everyone headed over to a local cafe to have a Tea Party!
Woooow! What a stylish cafe!!
Everyone shared their thoughts about Cipher and Fire Emblem over delicious food and drinks at the Tea Party.
The love for the series in the air was thick enough you could cut it with a blade.
The food really does look delicious! I'd have a hard time picking what to eat!
They also held games like "Faves Bingo", which were a great icebreaker.
Though, at Faves Bingo, people seemed more excited when their favorite character's name was called than when they actually got Bingo!
Oh, that's right--Miss Yuzu, who's your favorite character?
Ah, I wanna know too!
Wh--Th... that's a secret!
And that's how the Princess Cup concluded. It was a great time!
Ah, yes, everyone received a complimentary Tote Bag as well.
Battles... tournaments... interesting...
Ah, Miss Niamh!
Y-you sure did come out of nowhere, as usual...
I truly did enjoy myself with everyone. I owe it all to Shade for coming with me.
Well, I'm always happy to accompany you to things like this.
Miss Yuzu, Miss Shade! I wanna come along next time, please!
I do as well! too...
Aye! All who came expressed satisfaction, so it seems likely it will be held again in the future.
Of course! Next time, we all have to go together. It will be a lot of fun!
I can't wait...