Cipher Frontier Issue 27
Issue 27: Hooray! We did it! Series 8!

Helloooo everyone!

It's one of those days agaaain!
That's right! Todaay, 3/16, marks...

the release of Fire Emblem Cipher Booster Series 8,
"Life and Death: Beyond Destiny"!!!!

Yaaaay! We did iiiit!
To have already made 8 series... a worthy cause for celebration!
Isn't it! This calls for the champagne!
Hey, we've got kids here, don't you think something like cake would be better?
Hm? Something up?
M-Mister Randal...
You're old agaaain!?
Hey, kid, that's a little rude. I like to call it "mature".
Y-You were young and spry just the other day... how... !?
T-That's right! He had said he came from the past... do you think perhaps he returned?
? Got no idea what you're talking about. I've always been the old man, and I'll always be the old man.
Y-You don't know...? Ah, it looks like the banner image even changed back...
It's as though it never happened in the first place... is this also that "Boundless Chaos" thing...?
Hmmm... how strange...
I don't really get what you all are talking about... but you can stop with the staring, you're making me blush!
Well, enough about me, let's get on with the Series 8 introduction.
I fear I fail to comprehend, but... yes, let's get on with it.
R-Right, today is a day of celebration!
Yeah, let's lighten it up a little! Let's gooo!
Yes! Let's start with an introduction of the Booster Packs! Series 8 contains characters from "Awakening" and "Genealogy of the Holy War"!
Of note are the new Chrom cards in the Awakening set, one of which has the "Exalt" class, and the other of which, "Risen King"
Exalt Chrom! What a dignified form he possesses!
A-and Mister Risen King... so scary~!!
This set allows players to choose Chrom's fate: will he become exalt and lead his friends towards a hopeful future? Or will he become king of the Risen, followed by the undead as he heads into a future of despair?
I, without a doubt, will follow Exalt Chrom! A warrior draws her blade for the people!
Well, it's Risen King for me. His fall from virtue is interesting, and he seems tough. I bet he's got a lot of interesting tactics under his belt.
That's not the only conflict, either--this set also centers around the face-off between the Halidom of Ylisse and Chrom's Shepherds vs the Theocracy of Plegia and the Grimleal. Just like in Awakening proper!
Wooow! All these faces from every side have gathered together just for this!
We're on the cusp of a great battle! I can hardly wait to use these cards myself!!
The other title is "Genealogy of the Holy War", right? So what's in there?
You remember how we introduced Sigurd and Quan in Series 6, no? This series, we focus on characters like Seliph and Altena--the children of those characters who carry on their holy bloodlines.
These children, who were brought together by the deaths or departures of their parents, gather under the banners of Seliph--the prince of light--and Julius--son of Arvis and prince of darkness--and clash on the battlefield. That is the theme of this set.
Ahh... Sir Seliph demonstrates the air of a leader who fights for his people!
Mister Julius is a little scary... but he also looks pretty cool here!
Light and darkness... love and loss... how will these children fight against the fates their bloodlines destine them for, and what outcome will they arrive at? I would be happy if you carried that feeling with you while you played this time.
These youths shoulder such heavy burdens. How solemn a world they live in!
I'm gonna support them! Everyone, I'll use your cards well!
There are a wide variety of new Bond Skills this time, and plenty more upgrades for yellow cards from Series 6. Give them all a shot in play!
Hey, in the video games, the kids never got to fight alongside their parents, but couldn't you engineer that on the Cipher battlefield?
That's right! Seliph can fight alongside that wonderful father of his!
How moving! This sort of thing is one of the main draws of Cipher!
And let's not forget--of course, this time there are plenty more cards signed by the voice talent!
Mister Tomokazu Sugita, Mister Daisuke Ono, Miss Kumi Tanaka, and Miss Hiromi Igarashi all offered their signatures for us this time!
And, on top of that, there are more cards whose illustrations link!
Sir Seliph holding hands with Lady Julia! The decisive battle with Sir Julius! And the Ceremony of Awakening between Lady Lucina and Lady Tiki...! Illustrations that take twice as many cards have twice the impact!
Larcei has an illustration that connects top-to-bottom--so dynamic!
Oooh~! This one is all like... "whooosh"! So coool!
Each of them has a different feeling to it. Just looking at 'em makes me want them all.
Right? Everyone do your best to collect them all!
There will be bonuses for those who buy a booster box again, will there not?
Of course! Bonuses this time include Promo Cards for series 9, holographic marker cards, and original card sleeves. Each one comes in two varieties, and each box will contain one variety of each.
Looks like the promo cards this time are Alm and Celica from "Echoes: Shadows of Valentia". Very fresh and new.
This is a way of getting the hottest new cards early! So if you're gonna buy booster packs, you may as well buy a box to get the bonuses!
Additionally, there is also the "~Spring Cipher Campaign ~ Special Postcard Set Gift" that will be beginning in accordance with Series 8's release!
For every 8 booster packs of cards you buy at participating stores, you receive a special set of postcards. These are the three varieties available:
Wooow, they're all so great! I really wouldn't know which one to pick!
Pray thee, I believe you mentioned that any booster packs, from series 1 through 8, all qualify for the reward--did you not?
That's correct. For details on participating stores, check this page out!
There are so many neat prizes you can get for buying cards. Miss Yuzu, we've gotta go to the store right now!

M-Miss Yuuuuzu!? She disappeared!! Did she already leave!?
Hey, hold your horses!! We're still doing our product introduction here!!
Ah, I had forgotten. My apologies.
Hah haha! Well, guess I'm not alone in wanting to get outta here as soon as we can.
By the way, what kinda decks are you ladies planning on making with the new Series 8 cards?
I will fell Risen King Chrom and the Fell Dragon Grima with a deck led by Exalt Chrom--without hesitation.
I see. I think I'd like to try a deck with Julia as my lord. I tend to be more interested in mages.
Ooh, my deck is gonna be fun! Umm... so it'll have.... uhhh.... hmmmm..... well................
M-Mister Randal! What do you think I should make!?
Well, well...
Yeah, I getcha, kiddo. With so many interesting options to pick from, it's hard to decide on just one thing, right?
How about a "Vaike: I'm The Best!" kind of deck,
or a "Prince of Light: Seliph" deck!
Ohhh! A deck with Mister Vaike, and another one with Mister Seliph!
Hoh hoh! These are helpful suggestions, seeing as it's only just released!
When did you have the time to make something like this... hey, were you soliciting information from Producer Kawade again?
You got it! Yeah, something like that.
Sir Vaike's deck hits hard--warrior-like if nothing else. His power is increased by +30 during when attacking, which is a reliable skill to boast.
Seliph focuses more on movement and range. His "Heir of Light" skill moves enemies, allowing you to attack mages and archers in the back lines.
Once you've given it a shot, you can make your own adjustments based on how it feels.
Wooow! Thank you Randal!!
And that's that! I think we've just about concluded our Series 8 release day panel.
The battle between the Exalt and the Risen King featured in the Awakening side, the bond skills boasted by Genealogy... both have caught my eye!
And there are so many bonuses--I've gotta pick them up before they're all gone~!
We make an appearance in this one too, so let's have fun together, yeah?
So, everyone...

To the card shops we go!!