Cipher Frontier Issue 30
Issue 30: Go! Go! Summer Tour! Thanks for coming!

Hello everyooone!!!!

In the wake of Series 9, we have just finished holding our "Go! Go! Summer Tour" 2nd anniversary event at five venues nationwide!
We concluded our second year at the Kanazawa venue--everyone was so receptive!
At each and every location, the place was packed with Fire Emblem fans and Cipher fans alike!
Seemed like there were lots of folks who traveled from a ways away just to attend.
Aside from Cipher matches, there were a host of other events--illustrator signings and live painting, a mini concert, the quiz area, and more. An entertaining event to say the least!
All this to say...
let's cover everything that happened at the Summer Tour!!
If you speak of a Cipher event, of course the first thing you must mention is the battles! I played to my heart's content on the tour!
I played a lot of matches tooo!
...l... lost a lot of matches...
The pack battles were intense. Your fighting style adapt to the format, so without a doubt, they were interesting!
At each site, there were areas just for beginners and just for girls--I was pretty happy to see that!
There were areas to learn how to play the game as well, of course.
Collecting the cards is fun and all, but nothing beats playing with 'em. Give it a shot at least once!
The battles were fun, but all the other events were really enjoyable too!
Each venue had an illustrator perform a live painting--each was fantastic.
Without a doubt! Hidari, Sachiko Wada, Daisuke Izuka, Kotaro Yamada, Senri Kita, and Yusuke Kozaki all demonstrated their talent for us!
I've never gotten to see an illustrator draw a piece live like that before!
Lately, most people draw on the computer, so it's a rare occasion that you get to see one draw with pen and paper like that.
As far as the illustrations go... they looked like this!
I-Incredible...! To create something like these in such a short period of time!
...huh!? Aren't there more illustrations than illustrators, here?
One of these is a practice illustration that Senri Kita drew to get a feeling for what she could create within the time limit...
It looks to be an illustration of the four senators of Begnion.
And as a sort of response, Yusuke Kozaki drew the four Nohrian characters you see here.
Somehow, this feels like the first time I've seen King Garon and his friends smiling like this...
It was completely in contrast with what everyone expected, so it was a big hit.
Live events are the life of something like this.
The Mini Concerts were a huge hit too!
Like all prior performances, the mini concerts at the Summer Tours were perfect.
Songs included "Heritors of Arcadia" from "Echoes: Shadows of Valentia" and "Winds of Askr" from "Heroes", among other things. Wonderful performances all around.
Yeah. The simplicity of the piano and guitar really brought out the pure quality of the composition.
Listening to tales of the composition and development between songs was interesting as well. It helps you feel the work more strongly.
The quiz area had a lot of fun questions too!
Plenty of difficult quizzes this time as well...
Just when I thought I'd figured out all the answers, there was a nasty twist at the end.
I thought some of you might be interested, so I brought all of the quizzes from each of the events!
How many questions do you know the answer to? Give it a try for yourselves, everyone.
And there was the photo area and the coloring area, too!
It really felt like an event that not only Cipher fans, but Fire Emblem fans as a whole could enjoy.
It always makes me happy to be able to connect with fans through events like this.
It feels like the popularity of Fire Emblem is spreading, or something like that.

Thank you all for coming!!!!

That all said, it's been about a month and a half since series 9 was released. Are you all looking forward to what's coming next?
By that... do you refer to series 10!?
If I remember right, series 10 features... "Thracia 776", "Fates: Birthright", "Fates: Conquest", and "Heroes", right? I think they showed the packaging on our website!
Fufufu... actually, I brought some card images from Series 10 with me today!
What! These will be the first we see, won't they!?
That's right! As of yet, none of the cards have been shown on livestreams or on our twitter!
Lately, Randal always steals the spotlight with all of the juicy details--I can't afford to lose to him!
C'mon, Shade... it's not a competition...
Here it goes! Ta-daaa! Presenting, from Cipher series 10... "Osian" and "Tanya"! And... "Selkie" and "Velouria"!
Wooow! Mister Osian and Miss Tanya... they look a little different from when we first saw them on the livestream, don't they? These are promoted cards!
Sir Osian has his very own "Vouge" axe in the form of a skill! Moreover, Sir Osian and Lady Tanya get skills they can use to support one another.
Huh. How very Thracia-like.
Awww! Miss Selkie and Miss Velouria look so, so cuuute!
These look to be Miss Selkie's and Miss Velouria's unpromoted illustrations, different from the ones we saw on prior Nico Nico Livestreams.
Can't help but wonder what these two little ladies are up to.
So!? Doesn't this fill you with excitement for series 10!!
Shade... what a smug look on your face..
Oh yeah, right... nearly forgot, it's just one, but I have an illustration we haven't seen yet too.
Illustration...? That we haven't...?
Yeah, take a peek.
Th-This... what's this!?
It's Miss Eirika from Sacred Stooones!!
Judging by the style... could this be by Lady Sachiko Wada herself!?
Oh! Sharp eyes you've got there. This illustration is gonna be on a card in series 11.
S-Series 11...!? Then... then this is an even newer card than mine! Where... how... what ungodly acts did you commit to--
Trade secret, sorry.
E... Eeeeeee... Eeeeeeeee~~~!!!
Ack! She broke! Miss Shade is broken!!
C-collect yourself, Shade! The cards you brought filled me with anticipation for what is to come in Cipher! You alone are to thank for that!
Yes... yes, that's right. And if Randal's info makes the people who read Cipher Frontier happy, then that's a good thing...
Yeah, that's the spirit. It's all in the service of drumming up hype!
Grrrr! I'm not... I'm not gonna keep losing to you!
No, the whole point was that it's not a...
Hahaha! Well, all that hard work is bound to drive us to improve ourselves!
Well, that's about a wrap...

Please keep your eyes on Cipher and Cipher Frontiiier!

If I remember correctly... the next Nico Nico Livestream was 8/19, was it not...?
That is correct, my lady.
Ufufu... How exciting...