Cipher Frontier Issue 18
Issue 18: Announcements Abounds! The Spring 2016 Special Livestream!

Hello everyooone!

Did you all get to watch the Fire Emblem Cipher Spring 2016 Special Livestream on NicoNico?
Producer Kawade, our otherworldly salesman Kitanishi,
and Lynn–voice actress of Azura–had a lot of interesting discussions!
Those who missed it, feast your eyes upon it here!
They talked about a lot of different things,
so we’re here to sum it all up for you!
First, we have more information on the Cipher Caravan First Anniversary event we discussed last time!
Starting June 25th, which marks one whole year since the release of series 1,
Cipher Caravan will be making its way to 9 different venues, beginning its journey in Osaka!
  • Saturday, June 25th: Osaka (ATC HALL Osaka)
  • Sunday, July 3rd: Sendai (Sendai International Center)
  • Sunday, July 10th: Hiroshima (Aster Plaza)
  • Saturday, July 16th: Nagoya (Chagen Hall)
  • Sunday, July 24th: Niigata (Stationfront Office Rental Conference Room)
  • Sunday, July 31st: Fukuoka (South Modern Building Co.)
  • Sunday, August 7th: Tokushima (Awagin Hall)
  • Sunday, August 14th: Sapporo (Sapporo TV Tower)
  • Saturday, August 20th: Tokyo (TRC Tokyo Ryutsu Center)
Additionally, they announced that everyone who attends 
will receive the below Felicia and Flora Promotional Cards as a gift!
How cuuute!
I’d do anything to get my hands on one of these!
Let's talk about what'll go down there. First, in the Battle Area,
attendees will be able to partake in and enjoy Free Battles, Quest battles, 
and the Caravan Battle Tournament.
That Caravan Battle Tournament… 
You mentioned last time that it would be for those who were confident in their skills, did you not? 
Provide more details on its contents for us, won’t you?
It’s an 8-player knockout-style tournament.
The winner will receive a certificate, and another set of the Felicia and Flora promotional cards!
It will be held at each Caravan, and you can take part in as many of them as you'd like.
There’s gonna be a Tutorial Area too, where the staff teach everyone how to play Cipher! Everyone who hasn’t gotten the chance to play yet, now's your chance!
Staff will provide a deck to play with, so showing up empty-handed is acceptable.
Additionally, the Cavalier Duo–comprised of two members of Intelligent Systems’ sound team–will perform a mini concert!
The track list was introduced in the previous Cipher Frontier–refresh your memory if necessary.
It seems they are practicing hard in preparation–I’m looking forward to it!
And, aaand, don't forget about all the merch!!
The following goods will be available for purchase!
Ohh… the ARTWORKS art books and can badges are new!
The new tote bags and ballpoint pens are cute, too!
The new Card Binders are beautifully-made as well, no? 
It almost looks like a tome.
And in addition to the new play mats, old ones will be for sale as well,
so you’ll be able to get your hands on whichever ones strike your fancy.
Ahh! The pixel art playmat…
they've added some more familiar faces to it!
Good eye! Yes, they've added Roy and Sigurd!
It appears to be a new design...
valiant, yet adorable… I will have to see it for myself.
Phew, I think that’s about all for the Cipher Caravan information, isn’t it?
Hold on just a minute!
Actually, I've got some brand new information that they didn't announce on the livestream!
Tadaaaaa! My big announcement!!
I heard they're gonna have a special set of marker cards at Cipher Caravan venues!
Each features an illustration from series 1 through series 5.
H-How on earth did you...
no, you didn't—?!
I gave Producer Kawade another strawberry daifuku and he told me!
That's all it takes... What a cheap price to pay…
well, how does one go about obtaining one of these marker cards?
Ehehe... you'll have to wait until next time for that one~
S-such tantalization…!
Be that as it may, it is still good news! I will contain myself until the next announcement!
Well, we still have more information to cover, so let’s move on!
Following all this, they covered the upcoming official teaching storefront program and what it will entail.
Official teaching storefronts will be hosted by card shops across the country, where their staff will provide explanations on how to play Cipher.
Store staff will thoroughly go over how to play the game.
On top of that, by participating, you can receive a promotional card pack and free play sheet of your choice.
This is a great time to learn how to play the game!
That said… that individual they called “Young”…
He was… hmm… interesting, to say the least.
You can find more information on shops participating in the official teaching storefronts here!
Also, it seems that starting in June, they'll be calling the official tournaments they hold in card shops "shop tournaments", and you'll be able to participate in free battles too.
Free Battles?
Healthy competition in which there's no consequence to losing, more or less.
Oh, in a game like that, you could use whatever lords you want without worrying too much about the meta!
It'd be real easy to break into the scene!
Of course, there are still shops holding standard and swiss-system tournaments.
Please check the event information for each shop to find out the details of what they'll be hosting.
Next… information on series 5.
Fire Emblem Cipher Series 5:
  • “Surpassing Rivalry” Booster Packs
  • The Path of Radiance Starter Deck
    Both will release on Thursday, June 23rd!
They showed off a variety of new cards on-stream,
so let's show them off here too—starting with the Binding Blade cards!
The Binding Blade portion of this series is themed around “Support”–some have two Support Skills, and some have new fighting capabilities based on the Support system.
Mister Eiji Kaneda and Mister Kotaro Yamada draw such cool, cute cards!
I am interested especially in Lady Thea’s skills…
I look forward to seeing the other cards!
Additionally, they’ve introduced a new rarity–R+ cards feature different illustrations from their R counterparts!
This… this is Sir Dieck!
Not only is the foil different, and the quote different...
but it's an entirely new illustration too!!
Next up are the Radiant Dawn cards!
This is what we've got!
Radiant Dawn cards share the same Level-Up mechanics as those that were introduced in Series 3’s Path of Radiance cards, focusing on card stacking.
Ahh, Senri Kita’s illustrations are so incredible!
It seems there will be more cards that not only utilize growth strategies, but encourage it in their allies as well.
Some of these characters have appeared in prior series as well, which broadens the depth of the strategies you can use them for!
These ones also introduce the new SR+ Rarity, which feature different illustrations than their SR counterparts.
Wooow! Empress Sanaki! Both illustrations are so... powerful!
This is Cipher's first Master-class card.
She boasts high power, and her promotion cost is quite low, making class-changing into her easy!
What is this...? She allows allies to growth upon deployment as much as the user likes...!?
Such power… and to think that she can promote from an unpromoted card into this so easily.
Amazing! I must test her prowess in battle at once!
They announced the return of the Album Book campaign in conjunction with Series 5’s release as well.
This time, you can also receive a Binding Blade album book!
N-No way! These are those Album Books that have original stories that weren’t told in the original games, right?
That's right—if you're interested in reading them, you'll need to get your hands on one.
Further details will be posted on the official website, so please keep your eyes peeled, everyone.
And finally, information on Series 6!
Series 6 will center around Genealogy of the Holy War, Nohrians from Fates: Revelation,
and they showed some of the new illustrations we will be seeing.
Let's start with the former.
They all just feel so regal!
And Fates: Revelation.
Lord Sigurd, Prince Xander... and even King Garon!
I look forward to witnessing their distinct fighting styles!
And… the highlight of the stream!
This... this is... Anankos!
Right you are! I won’t go into specifics, but…
Anankos, central as he is to the plot of Revelation, finally makes his appearance!
S-So we'll even see characters like this... I had no idea!
The Nohrian side of Series 6 seems to be based on ending of Revelation…
so a card like this fits right on in!
Hrrrrm… imagine fighting such a strong enemy. Just thinking of such a worthy enemy gives me goosebumps!
We're not done just yet...
As our final final announcement, we have information on Series 7! More specifically, which titles it will feature!
They are...

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation—Side Hoshido and
 Fire Emblem Blazing Blaaade!!!

We saw a Xander who had become King of Nohr depicted in Series 6…
Series 7 has a focus on Hoshido, and so we see a Ryoma who has become King of Hoshido following the events of Revelation.
And so we saw the key visuals for both Series 6 and 7.
S–S-Sho cool…!
Cipher is the first place we get to see Ryoma and Xander as king of Hoshido and Nohr respectively!
they introduced “Dragon Vein” skills, a new kind of skill useful on the battlefield! 
 can't help but be curious what they will look like.
Let me show you the rough drafts for some of the Blazing Blade cards we will be seeing as well.
Ahhh! It's Nino!
Is this really a work in progress? It's already so cute!
Blazing Blade takes place 20 years following the events of Binding Blade. No doubt you will be able to use cards from both in tandem for a variety of ploys!
As more information is released on Series 7, I'll do my best to keep you all updated,
so please look forward to it.
Alriiiight! I’m hyped already!
Oh, and one more little bonus from the Blazing Blade side of things!
Ohhh! This is Mister Roy's dad... Mister Eliwood!
An illustration by Lady Sachiko Wada!
May he get the opportunity to fight alongside his son!
Wouldn't that be nice?
Phew… I think that’s about it.
Wow, that was so much information for one stream!
Aye. Content from Series 5, to 6 and even 7… even dust when piled becomes a mountain!
I’m always quite happy to get a peek at the new cards that will be coming out.
All of you who are interested in Cipher, but still haven’t had the chance to play,
go check out a local teaching storefront or go to the Caravan’s tutorial sessions!
Aye! And those with experience, submit yourselves to the tournament!
Ufufu… no matter which, until next time, may your Cipher life be full of excitement.
And with that, we’re off!
