The search suggestions dated back to the launch of Cipher Compendium and were in serious need of improvement. In addition to the identical results for the home page and menu bar, the following enhancements have been made:
- Added a thumbnail of the card and the hero's portrait.
- Added fuzzy search:
- This allows typing errors to a certain degree, for example: mrth will return Marth.
- Card search by reference is more tolerant and easier: entering “0851” will return cards “B08-051SR” and “B08-051SR+”.
- Added some hotkeys:
- UP and DOWN arrows to select a list item.
- ENTER to go to the page of the selected item.
- ESC to close the window.
The fuzzy search is only available for suggestions at the moment, and will soon be extended to the “Card List” page.
- [Cards] Added a “Report issue” button.
- If you find an error on a card page (translation, missing data, or any other query), you can fill in a simple form and we'll try to fix it whenever possible. Note: you do not need to be registered to make a report.
- [Cards] A Marker button replaces the Textless Art button when illustration is not available.
- [Cards] Added Booster Series B07 card scans (98 scans).
- [Deck Builder] Added a Cancel button when editing or cloning a deck.
- [TCG Rules] Added German translation (thanks to Suturekey).
- [Textless Art] Added 3 new and 49 higher-quality illustrations (thanks to Lady Estelle for finding some missing and higher quality illustrations).
- [Goods] Added a Table of Contents for mobile view.
- [Global] Added a breadcrumb on certain pages.
- [Global] Improved loading speed for Collection, Series and Card List.
- [Global] Many UI and UX changes and improvements (thanks to Suturekey for the feedback).
A major update is scheduled for next month. We won't be revealing its contents yet, but we can't wait to show you what it's all about.
The list and data of Nintendo Dream and Dengeki Nintendo magazines talking about Fire Emblem Cipher have been updated and Album Books volume 01 to 04 have been added with and without their cards. In total, for all books, this means over 450 viewable pages.
The Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition artbook data has been reviewed and corrected.
I'm looking for Cipher pages for the following magazines:
- Dengeki Nintendo 09/2016
- Dengeki Nintendo 12/2016
- V-Jump 09/2015
If you can help me, please contact me via Discord or e-mail (
- [Collection/Cards] More than one rarity can now be selected at a time.
- [Collection/Markers] You can now specify a quantity for each marker.
- [Collection/Wishlist] Added a button to clear your wishlist entirely.
- [Collection/Wishlist] Added a button for graying cards that you have in collection.
- [Collection/Favorite] Added button to clear your favorite cards entirely.
- [Collection/Favorite] Added a button for graying cards that you have in collection
- [Users/Settings] Added a list of predetermined avatars (27 avatars).
- [Cards] Added Booster Series B05 and B06 card scans (198 scans).
- [Textless Art] Added 23 new and 30 higher-quality illustrations (thanks to Lady Estelle for finding missing and higher quality illustrations).
- [Textless Art] Added a gallery mode; increased number of illustrations by page from 48 to 72.
Cipher Compendium has become considerably bigger in 2024, both in terms of content and users, as many of you have joined us. Thank you all for visiting Cipher Compendium and for all the feedback I received to improve the site. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay tuned for 2025, as updates are planned!
Very special thanks to (in no particular order) AuriSkara, JayShee, Flann, Yufireemblem, Beecil and Marioha who supported me through Patreon this year.
Booster Simulator now includes a Virtual Collection. Open boosters and start building your digital collection - you'll need to be logged in to save your progress; and the cards you collect for your Virtual Collection count towards your user level too. Also, card odds have been adjusted to be as close as possible to the real boosters.
How many boosters will you need to open to complete the Cipher card collection? And it's not limited to 2 boosters per day.
- [Decks] Added “Clone Deck” to duplicate and modify an existing deck (all your decks and public decks).
- [Decks/Decklists] Added an icon for cards that can be replaced by similar ones and with the number of copies you have in your collection.
- [Decks/Decklists] The Collection button now takes into account similar cards that you can use as replacements if you don't have the required quantity.
- [Deck Builder] You can change the privacy mode when building a deck and in Draft mode.
- [Deck Builder] The number of copies of specific cards has been increased from 8 to 20 (e.g. Risen cards).
- [Deck Builder] You can mention Compendium users in the description area (e.g. @User).
- [Books] Added a new “Detailed” view for Artworks and Artbooks and redesigned the Images view; complete revision of book cards.
- [Artists] Artists page has been redesigned.
- [Cards] Added Booster Series B02, B03 and B04 card scans (300 scans).
- [Artist] Removed links to artists' websites and social networks; increased the number of cards per line in Images view; replaced the card distribution chart with a line at the top of the page.
- [Cipher Frontier] Added new tags.
- [Heroes] Increased the number of cards per line in Images view; replaced the card distribution chart with a line at the top of the page.
- [Custom Cards] Added a button to change the privacy mode.
- [Series] Removed photo thumbnails.
- [Global] Reduced loading time for Collection and Series pages.
Added levels from 100 to 199 and we have adjusted the points awarded for collecting and using Compendium tools, for example: SR+ cards, Decks and Custom Cards award more points.
Fire Emblem Cipher TCG rules have been added in English and French. If you're curious to find out more about this TCG, what it has to offer in terms of game mechanics or quickly find information using its integrated search function, this guide is for you.
The rules explanations are intended to be as comprehensive as possible, and are aimed at both new players who have never played a card game and more experienced TCG players.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know. We'd also be happy if you'd like to translate this guide into other languages to reach even more players.
Changes have been made to the Card Creator in order to avoid possible legal issues related to its use, which could lead to the closure of Compendium in an extreme case.
As a result, the Browse page is no longer accessible. Community-created cards can no longer be viewed on a single page, although they can still be viewed from user profiles.
The “Private” privacy mode has been added, so that only you can view your custom cards. The Compendium team reserves the right to change the privacy mode of your custom cards from “Public” to “Private”.
Further changes may be observed in the coming weeks.
- [Collection] Manage your card collection from Card List (Table & Images view) and Series (Table view).
- [Deck Builder] Added a card preview for the Deck cards.
- [Cards] Added Booster Series B01 card scans (100 scans).
- [Card List] Images view: Added a “Toggle collection” button to show the collection manager.
- [Card List] Images view: Increased items per page from 48 to 64.
- [Card List] Fixed Filter search for mobile.
- [Advanced Search] Added missing Range “1-3” and “2-3”.
- [Advanced Search] Fixed Keyword Skill “IS” search.
- [Global] Updated Table view layout for Collection, Series, Decks, Decklists for widescreen and mobile.
- [Cards] Minor graphical update of Skills/Support Skills elements.
We've been working on this project for many months now, and we're proud to introduce the Card Creator.
- Make and customize every aspect of your card like a real Cipher card.
- Save, manage and edit your custom cards from your profile.
- Explore cards created by the community from the Browse page.
Design the cards you want, whether entirely new cards or adaptations of the official cards in your own language. However, moderation will be taken if the cards do not respect the rules of appropriate conduct.
This application is currently in beta, but it is possible to recreate around 95% of existing cards. Expect additional features in the future, but if you have suggestions or if you encounter any bugs, please let us know on our Discord.
An “Advanced Search” page has been added to fine-tune your card searches. New options include a second search mode for Emblems and Affinities, a search by Keyword Skill, a search by Support Skill type and the addition of operators for Deployment Cost, Class Change Cost, Attack and Support.
Card List page has been modified: the “Stats Range” dropdown has been removed, and the view selection is now made using a select button.
Import your entire card collection or your latest purchases in a flash from a spreadsheet file. You can even choose the import mode: overwrite existing entries or merge quantities. Nonetheless, your spreadsheet file must respect specific formatting rules, but sample files are provided to help you.
- [Decks] Added a checkbox to sort only Main Characters by name and/or emblem.
- [Decks] Added sorting for most liked decks.
- [Decks] Main Character emblem now always appears in first position.
- [Deck Builder] Added a card preview for the card selector.
- [Deck Builder] Affinity filter now shows only selected affinities; e.g. selecting Beast + Flier shows cards with Beast AND Flier instead of all cards with both or either affinity.
- [Cards] Added Promotional card scans from P12 to P22 included (145 scans).
- [Users] Total number of likes received are now displayed on your profile.
- [Series] New layout for the Series index page.
- [Heroes] Updated Anri portrait and added Tomas and Earth Dragon portraits.
- [Cards/Heroes on Card] 22 cards were updated for these 17 characters:
Earth Dragon, Duma, Phantom, War Dragon, Disciples of Order, Dheginsea, Nephenee, Ilyana, Risen, Tiki, Revenant, Alm, Fiend, Out Realm Fiend, Gargoyle, Tomas, Grima.
- [Decks] Fixed display bug when returning to previous page after sorting.
- [Storage and Container] Fixed images that were not displayed properly for Lucina Deck Case.
It was a slow month, but there'll be some cool new stuff over the next few weeks!
Fire Emblem Cipher storage boxes and binders were listed with all the specifications. These items were sold at events, in the official store or as part of promotional campaigns. Check them out.
Only the two Comiket 97 boxes are missing. They'll be added later when I get my hands on them.
I've created a Discord server to centralize discussions about Cipher Compendium and, of course, to talk about Fire Emblem Cipher, whether you're a collector or a player. It will be easier for you to give feedback, make suggestions, stay informed about future updates and help me fill in missing data. So, join our Discord server!
- [Cards] Added Promotional cards scan from P01 to P11 included (156 card scans).
- [Cards] Fixed error 500 when loading certain cards.
- [Cipher Frontier] Fixed error 500 when loading Japanese Issues 13.
Errata cards have been added: these are cards that have been corrected after their initial release to rectify typos, change sentence structure or include additional explanations.
Card scans are being added, starting with all Starter Decks for a total of 350 scans. The remaining cards will be added over the following months, with promotional cards first, followed by Booster Series. R+, SR+, R+X, +X, ST+ cards will be added at a later date.
- [Collection] Promotional sleeves can now be added to your collection.
- [Wishlist/Duplicates] Added a new filter: rarity.
- [Wishlist/Duplicates] Fixed table view showing incorrect number of results. Now displays 150 results per page.
- [Decks/Decklists] Added a "Collection" button to compare your collection with the deck displayed and highlight any missing cards.
- [Deck Builder] Added a checkbox for the Card Selector to display only the cards in your collection.
- [Decks] Fixed Lackey export of Risen a/b/c cards.
- [Global] Added a search engine shortcut in the header menu.
- [Cards] Similar cards now list cards with the same skills, unit name and title.
- [Booster Series] Added the second set of stickers in Gallery for Series 10.
- [Booster Series] Added additional photos of deck cases in Gallery for Series 14 and Series 17.
- [Decklists/Heroes] Fixed a bug when changing the view.
Cipher Frontier was a series of posts on the official website featuring the original Cipher characters. Follow Emma, Shade and their friends covering major events and upcoming series, as well as providing tips for beginners and deck building.
The English translation was done by Beecil, whom I thank for their help and permission to share.
Added the complete list of badges. These round badges, made of metal with a pin on the back, were sold at Cipher events, obtained as part of a promotional campaign or distributed as a reward.
Import and share your Lackey decks in seconds with our Deck Builder. And you can also export your decks to LackeyCCG in .dek or .txt format.
Having trouble? Please leave me a message. Despite all our testing, a few cards may still not be recognized correctly.
- [Decks] Bookmark your decks to find them quickly. Your bookmarked decks will appear in the first result of your profile's decks page.
- [Deck Builder] A rich text editor has been added for the deck description.
- [Deck Builder] The number of characters for the deck description has been increased from 1500 to 3000.
- [Decks/Decklists] Test Hand: Fixed a duplication bug when MC card had one copy.
What's your level on Cipher Compendium? The larger your collection on Compendium, the higher your level. Use of the site's features is also taken into account when calculating your level (like the deck builder, for example).
In addition to the Domiteriors added last month, the Acrylics page lists all Fire Emblem Cipher acrylic goods in the form of keyrings, magnets, panels and large panels.
Thanks to your feedback on the Deck Builder, some points have been improved and bugs fixed:
- [Deck Builder] Search for all hero cards: add a # at the start of the query (e.g. #claude, #corrin (f)).
- [Deck Builder] Reorder cards in a deck in progress or already published; drag and drop to move a card.
- [Deck Builder] Added a presentation page for logged-out users.
- [Deck Builder] Fixed a bug when adding cards with similar titles but different unit names (e.g. B20-002HN and B20-004HN).
- [Deck Builder] Fixed a bug when adding cards that can have more than 4 copies and share a similar title and name (e.g. Risen cards).
Decks have also been improved for better ease of use:
- [Decks/Decklists] Test Hand: Draw a hand of 6 cards, deal another hand or draw more cards.
- [User/Decks] Deck visibility mode can be changed; however, a public deck cannot be changed to Unlisted or Private.
- [User/Decks] Deck list: added an icon when your decks are Unlisted or Private.
- [Decks] Updated decks are bumped up the list.
- [Decks] Fixed a fatal error when viewing a deck or draft with no Class Change.
- [Textless Art] Added a shortcut button to the card and hero.
- [User] Default avatar meeple color is now randomly generated.
- [Decks/Decklists] Reworked layout for Table view.
- [Card List] Reworked layout for Table and Details view.
- [Global] Various graphic adjustments and minor bug fixes.
Thank you for all the feedback I've received to improve Cipher Compendium. If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact me on Discord, X (@CipherCmpendium) or by email (
This month marks the first anniversary of Cipher Compendium! Since its creation, there have been a lot of changes, from design and content to features such as the card collection tracker or the deck builder to share decks with other players. I'll continue to add content to make it as complete and feature-rich as possible. Thanks to all those who share and spread the word about Cipher Compendium, and a big thank you to those who have supported or continue to support this project on Patreon.
All Domiteriors have been added. With 64 different designs, these are collectable transparent acrylic items shaped like dominoes with a printing on the front and back. You can view them in the Extra/Goods menu.
We've redesigned the Collection interface, plus you can now add markers and goods to your collection. See the full list of changes below.
- [Collection] Markers, Sleeves, Playmats and Domiteriors collections have been added.
- [Collection] The “Quick Add” button now adds ST/ST+ and PR.
- [Collection] Added a button to wishlist cards from the Wishlist page.
- [Collection] Added an icon to remove a favorite card from the Favorites page.
- [Collection] Snapshot updated with an image preview, a download and copy button.
- [Collection] Redesigned user profile interface.
- [Collection] Redesigned interface for Cards, Wishlist and Duplicates collection pages.
- [User/Options] Added an avatar cropper with image preview; webp files now allowed and size limit increased to 2 MB.
- [User/Options] Added an ornament around the avatar: show off your favorite games.
- [Booster Simulator] Added a golden glow effect around the card when you pull an R+, R+X, SR+ or HR card.
- [Series] Reworked layout.
- [Goods] Added presentation photos.
If you'd like to stay up-to-date with important updates on Cipher Compendium, you can follow @CipherCmpendium. You can also contact me there if you have any suggestions or if there are any errors on the website.
Over the past few days, many of you have opened boosters via the Booster Simulator, and I'd like to thank you all. If you have any ideas for future improvements, please let me know.
The card page has been completely redesigned, and now features a section for Decks and a QR Code generator.
Snapshot now displays a preview of the image before downloading, as well as a button to copy the image. This feature has been added to decks/decklists and cards; for the latter, the snapshot generated contains all card data.
- [Decks] You can now filter, sort and search decks by character or card reference.
- [Decks] Added a button to export deck in text format.
- [Decks] Added a QR Code generator linking to the deck.
- [Decks] The card preview panel now remembers whether it is open or closed (for widescreen only).
- [Decks] The number of decks displayed is now 36 instead of 20.
- [Deck Builder] Added a progress bar up to 50.
- [Heroes] Added a panel with decks that include the hero.
- [User profile] You can add your bio and social networks (X, Youtube, Twitch and Discord).
- [Booster Simulator] Improved pulls and added a booster pack counter. Many thanks for the thousands of boosters opened!
The first HD card scans will be uploaded in the next few days, and the next update will focus on Collection tracker.
Some photos and scans are currently missing and I'll need the help of the community, in order to have the most exhaustive database on Fire Emblem Cipher. I'll post the missing items on a dedicated page soon, so if you're interested in helping me out, don't hesitate to contact me (in English or French).
You can also support us on Patreon if you like Cipher Compendium, it will help us create tools around the Fire Emblem Cipher TCG, improve existing features, help pay hosting costs and keep the website ad-free. Even the smallest donation is welcome. Thanks.
You can now build decks with our online Fire Emblem Cipher Deck Builder!
- Check the latest decks added from the homepage and the Decks page.
- Easily browse all your decks from your profile.
- View full deck statistics and revisions for each of your decks.
- Select whether you want to make your deck visible to everyone, or keep it private.
- Share your deck with a link or snapshot in a single button click.
- And it's free to use - all you need to do is sign up if you want to use the Deck Builder.
The decks page is currently quite simple, but soon you'll be able to view, sort and filter decks. If you notice any issues and difficulties, please let me know by e-mail or discord.
A dark mode has been added, which you can set from your profile. If you have dark mode enabled on your PC or smartphone, the switch is applied automatically.
- [Collection/Decks] The snapshot button has been improved and now generates an image in a predefined size.
- [Starter Decks] Added a shortcut to the matching decks.
- [Starter Decks] Booklets from the "View Booklet" button are now displayed properly.
Improvements are planned for Card collection tracker, Decks and Deck builder to make the use of these tools as intuitive and feature-rich as possible. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.
Over the coming weeks and months, all card scans will be added, more Fire Emblem Cipher goods will be referenced and new content added to existing pages.
Some photos and scans are missing and I'll need the help of the community in order to have the most exhaustive database on Fire Emblem Cipher. I'll post the missing items on a dedicated page, so if you're interested in helping me out, don't hesitate to contact me (in English or French).
You can also support us on Patreon if you like Cipher Compendium, it will help us create tools around the Fire Emblem Cipher TCG, improve card collection tracker and decks, help pay hosting costs and keep the website ad-free. Even the smallest donation is welcome. Thanks.
A Decklists page has been added with over a hundred decks to browse immediately, allowing you to look at the suggested decks included in booster packs (from B09 and upwards). Each deck page will display the breakdown for each weapon or emblem used, as well as statistics in chart form. This sets the bases of an upcoming tool.
Collection has also received significant improvements both in terms of browsing and performance.
- [Collection] Added a "Quick Add" button to quickly add cards to your collection.
- [Wishlist/Duplicates] Added quantity management feature.
- [Wishlist/Duplicates] Added a new Table view.
- [Wishlist/Duplicates/Favorites] Show 48 cards instead of 24 in Images view.
- [Collection] Remembers the last series viewed.
- [Collection] Added a "Share" button (only if your profile is not private).
- [Collection] Improved mobile browsing.
- [Collection] Improved loading times.
Fixed cards issues for the following characters: Deen, Linde and Barthe.
If you like Cipher Compendium and want to support me, I've set up a Patreon page. Even the smallest donation is welcome. I am still working on indexing and adding more content, not to mention that other cool tools are under development too.
I'm always interested in suggestions and help, please get in touch with me at: Thank you!
All boosters, starters and promotional cards have been translated into English. Thus, English is now the default language when displaying cards, but the Japanese language can still be choosed in your profile settings. Other card translations can be easily added if you feel up to it, so please let me know if you'd like to add your language.
I've also corrected some mistakes in Japanese card transcriptions.
A booster opening simulator has been added under the Tools category. This simulator allows you to open a fictitious booster pack or complete box. Try it out now, it's free! Other tools are still under development and will be added shortly.
If you have any suggestions, information to share or you notice an error/bug, please get in touch with me at: Thank you!
You can track your Fire Emblem Cipher card collection!
By signing up, you'll be able to manage your card collection (which includes all 22 Booster/Promotional series and 12 Starter Decks), set up a wish list for the cards you're looking for, like your favorite cards, share your collection with anyone and manage your duplicates to make it easier to trade with other players/collectors. And it's free to use!
Enhancements to existing functions:
- The home page search engine now allows you to search for artists and heroes.
- The Card List filter toolbar has been fixed.
Page overhauls:
- Series and Cards have been completely redesigned to improve browsability.
We are working on indexing and adding more content, not to mention that other cool tools are under development too.
If you have any suggestions, information to share or you notice an error/bug, please get in touch with me at: Thank you!
Welcome to Cipher Compendium!
This website is intended to provide to all players and/or collectors of the Fire Emblem Cipher Trading Card Game a place to quickly find cards or data from any browser device.
You can view, search and filter all Japanese cards via the Card List or in their Booster Series, Starter Decks or Promotional sections. You can also easily find artists, your favorite heroes, magazines, artbooks or sleeves.
This is the first step as more content is in the works, like marker cards, playmats, English translation, a complete listing of the illustrations found in artworks books, HD quality card scans, useful tools, and much more! In the coming weeks, Cipher Compendium will also allow users to manage their card collection.
If you have any suggestions, information to share or you notice an error, please get in touch with me at: Have a nice visit.
Fixed HNX pull and duplicates in the same booster.
Fixed pagination bug on the user's favorite cards page.
Fixed error 500 when creating an account; and upgrading captcha version.
Improved page server rendering.
Added Dynamite Party set 2 (placeholder), Dynamite Party set 3 and Calendar Fan Box Red.
Cipher Compendium 1st anniversary! Thanks for your support!
Added 19th Release Commemorative, Comiket 97 Fan Box Green and Fan Box Red markers.
3 Textless Art have been added.
Added a Gallery tab for Booster Series and Starter Decks with more images of content and promotional items offered at the time of release.
14 Textless Art have been added.
Improved loading times for all pages.
Fixed Card List sort filter issues with Name, Rarity and Artist for Table view.
Revamped Artists page; added Textless art and Marker cards for each artist.
Photos of Starter Decks have been added.
Added Calendar markers.
You can now browse Starter Deck booklets; go to a Starter Deck page and click on "View booklet".
A gallery has been added for Starter Decks (paper playmats, cardboards and inserts).
Added 11 Checklists for Booster Series: B10, B13, B14, B15, B16, B19, B20 and B21.
Individual hero page has been revamped to include a new detailed card view.
Number of copies and exclusive cards for Starter Decks have been listed.
Added Starter Decks, PBK/PBM and Dynamite Cipher markers.
All promotional sleeves can now be viewed on a single page.
Comiket 89 Players Box markers have been added.
Several Textless Art have been added.
Portraits have been added and fixed, and a counter has been added for all heroes appearing in the background
Added Card Showcase for cards featured on @FEcipher Twitter.
Details on how the promotional cards were distributed have been added.
Shortcut links to Starter Decks have been added for their respective series.
Want to see all the Matching Art? Check them out!
Almost all Checklists and their alternatives have been added.
Artworks content is more detailed.
Missing hero portraits have been added.
Playmats are now indexed.
Too many cards to browse? Pick a random card!
You can now browse Markers cards in High Definition.
All Textless Art can now be viewed in one place.