Cipher Frontier Issue 36
Issue 36: Fierce Battles! Glorious Fights! Into the Fray! The Japan's Best Tournament!
Hum hum huhum♪ What's for dinner tonight~♪
Hmmm... maybe it'd be quicker to just ask...
Oh, Alice! Hi!
Ah, Emma! You've come at the perfect time. I have something I'd like to ask you!
Huh? W-what is it?
I've heard they're holding some sort of "Japan's Best Tournament" in the Cipher world right about now. ...what on earth is that?
Oh, so that's what it is...! That's the battle that determines who Japan's #1 Cipher player is!
Well, of course I know that already! What I want to know is how they decide who the greatest player is!
Huh!? Uummm... well, you see...
Hum humhum♪ What's for dessert tonight~♪
Oh, Miss Shade! Miss Shaaade! You've come at the perfect time!
Tell us about the Japan's Best Tournament! And be thorough about it!
W-What's come over the two of you...?
It's the duty of one who will rule to find and appoint only the best! ...or at least, that's what I was always told by mother. So in order to learn, I thought it would be great to study how Cipher determines who its best is.
Hmmm... I see. I understand now. Then let me explain!
The Japan's Best Tournament is held once a year to determine who the best player in Japan is. Each time, the final battles of the tournament are held at Cipherfest and the winner is decided.
This year will be the third.
But how exactly does one be entered into the Japan's Best Tournament?
Right, then, take a look at this figure.
These are the different events that lead up to the Japan's Best tournament.
First, you have to win your local store qualifiers or in a Cipher Arena. This grants you the right to participate in district qualifiers.
By store qualifiers, you mean those tournaments that are held in participating card shops nationwide? I took a look at our website, and it looks like each one is held among 8~16 people.
What about that Cipher Arena thing?
Cipher Arenas are slightly larger tournaments held by select card shops. These are typically among 32 or more people, so they're bigger events. The number of people who qualify to move on is dependent on how many people enter.
Those selected from store qualifiers or Cipher Arena will move onto district qualifiers--there are 10 district qualifier tournaments this year.
Huh...? It looks like district qualifiers are being held right now...
That's right, we're right in the middle of the event right now! We've just finished the Chubu tournament held in Nagoya.
And by winning district qualifiers, you get to particpate in the Japan's Best Tournament!
Exactly! The 10 players who emerge victorious from district qualifiers go to Cipherfest EAST and battle it out.
If you are interested, the lords being run by the best 8 players in each district currently look something like this!
Wooow! Looks like there's a lot of variety!
The district qualifiers for Kansai, Kinki, Touhoku, and Shin'etsu have yet to be held, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of players emerge victorious from those!
So once all of the winners of district qualifiers are gathered, what happens?
Well, first, the day before Cipherfest EAST, all players are entered into a round-robin style tournament. Each player will fight every other player over the course of the day.
E...every other player!?
Oh geez, you're sure to have a couple lumps on your head after that many fights~
The top 4 players go on to the final tournament of Japan's Best, and the player who wins is crowned the best in Japan!
The road to becoming the best in Japan is harsh...
Oh, each district representative does get a commemorative playmat for their troubles, at least.
This is last year's playmat. Only 10 were produced, one for each who won district qualifiers, so they're rare!
Woahhh! Pretty~~!!
The winner receives a commemorative plaque for their victory, which is awarded to them live at Cipherfest EAST!
It's the same every year.
Well, isn't this plaque cool! This would suit my room just fine.
Fufu... so you'll be aiming for the title next year then, Alice? Certainly not a bad challenge for someone looking to become a noble.
You're right. I think I will challenge it myself sometime, so I'll get started on building the strongest deck possible!
Oh, right, I forgot one thing!
Those who will proceed from district qualifiers to battles at Cipherfest will receive these promotional cards in advance...
Waaah! It's Tiki and Nowi! So cuuute!
And in related news, we have a new campaign, the "Let's Go to the Card Shop! Campaign"! If you purchase 1000 yen worth of goods at participating stores on the day of the qualifiers, you too can receive these promo cards!
Obviously, you're welcome to come to stores even if you aren't participating in the battles! We have a full list of participating card shops on the website, so definitely head out and buy some cards for yourself while you're at it!
Ah, so this was all leading up to an ad...
Yep, it was an ad all along...
Oh, c'mon, what's wrong with it! These sorts of sales pitches are necessary for healthy business!!
Alright, I'll bite. I'm curious to see how district qualifiers turn out, so maybe I will head to a card shop.
I reaaally want those Tiki and Nowi cards! I'm coming with!
All of this to say, things are heating up in district qualifiers. Store qualifiers for next year's tournament will be commencing shortly. If you want to try your hand at it, give it a shot!