Cipher Frontier Issue 33
Issue 33: An Autumn of Cipher! The Autumnal Cipher Exchange Report!
Are you all in good health? 'tis I, Yuzu!
Your old man Randal is here, too!
For this Cipher Frontier, Randal and I will be covering the Cross-Continental Autumnal Cipher Exchange & Experience Event. We humbly request your attention and understanding despite our inexperience.
Woah, woah! So rigid... loosen up a little, let's have fun with this, alright?
Wh-what are you saying! To be entrusted with such an important mission... of course I am concerned with doing it properly!
So serious, Yuzu. Well, let's just do our best. Let's get started!
As many of you are already aware, this event was held at 7 venues nationwide. These venues included locations in Yokohama, Sapporo, Niigata, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Okayama, and Kyoto.
Yeah, the Sapporo meetup was held in this TV tower here.
If I recall, that is the same location that last year's Cipher Caravan was held. You can find events in unexpected places...
No matter which venue you went to, it was filled with passionate Cipher and Fire Emblem fans.
Everybody conversed, fought, and ate, enjoying the event to its fullest! It was a lively and memorable meetup!
Yeah, it was pretty fun to get to play Cipher while enjoying the feast.
No matter what we talk about... you're always interested in the food and drink, aren't you, Randal?
As the battles heated up, you could feel the energy everywhere, not just at the table!
Everyone fought with the characters they liked.
Yeah. Looking at the tables, you saw a whole bunch of different lords--everyone was enjoying the game their own way.
Plenty of creative ideas for how to use your favorite characters to their fullest... food for thought, all of it!
Of course, being the "Exchange and Experience" event, there were also plenty of first-time players getting their first experiences with the game. It went smoothly.
The staff gave a pretty thorough explanation of how to play the game.
While you can just collect the cards, you'll grow more attached to them if you use them to play the game, so you'll have more fun overall. I highly encourage you to give battling with others a try.
Outside of the battles and tutorial, there were plenty of other little events too. I thought the Bond Quiz was fun.
Aye aye! That was fun as well!
Producer Kawade would pose a question, and each table would have to present an answer... but you only got points if another table answered the same way.
So, for example, if the question was "Name a character whose name starts with "A"...?
That could be Sir Alfonse, Sir Alm... Sir Abel... Sir Arden... t-the possibilities are endless!
So you had to think about what you thought everyone else would answer, too.
And in addition... Producer Kawade prepared some Wrong Answers as well. If you chose one of these, you would not receive any points!
The table who had the most points by the end won... things got pretty exciting!
The "Everyone's Battle" portion of the event--where all participants battled against Sir Kawade--was also a hit.
Well, it wouldn't be fair if it were a normal fight, so things would usually be stacked in Producer Kawade's favor--like, for example, giving him 108 Orbs to start.
The rules were simple, so even those less familiar with the game could enjoy it.
Producer Kawade's terrible at reading the mood, so sometimes, he'd just annihilate a participant with no warning whatsoever.
A-Aye. That did happen... but regardless, it was a fun battle for everyone.
At specific orb counts, people who destroyed one of Producer Kawade's orbs would receive a price--including the one who finished him off.
And the event was finished off with "Everyone's Faves Bingo"! You circled the event asking others to write their favorite character on your bingo sheet, and when everyone had filled their sheets out, they played bingo.
Speaking of which, Yuzu, who's your favorite character?
M-me!? My favorite... is... well... it's a secret! I can't reveal it to you so easily!
Man, I guess you couldn't participate in a game like this then, huh...
Well... it was a great event... lively and fun, and with plenty of opportunity for networking. It was very Cipher-like.
It'd be great of people got to expand their social circles through things like this.
I hope that all of you--regardless of whether or not you participated in this one--will join us for the next one!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the day I get to meet you all!
I believe we are finished, yes? Whew... it feels like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders...
Great job, Yuzu. Let's turn in for the night.
No, not yet...
Covering these events has filled me with the urge to play for myself...! Randal, I would have your cooperation!
Suddenly, you're back to your warrior-like self... well, that suits you better anyway. Sure, let's have a match or two.
Aye. Let's hone our blades until morning!
Yeah, sure. ...wait, morning...?
We will meet again, everyone! Until then!!