Cipher Frontier Issue 58
Issue 58: Cipher Will Never Die!

Hello, everyooone!!!!!!!!

Cipher Frontier has been going on for over 5 years now...
...and today, it comes to a close!
Aww... I can't believe the day has finally come...
It's gonna feel awfully lonely.
I am moved beyond belief to have come this far... but it is also a little painful.
I'm not... that sad...

Waaaah! It's going to be so loooonely!!

M-My lady...! You were saying 'I won't shed a single tear today' until just a moment ago...!
I'd wanted to talk to you all more... so I'm a rather heartbroken too.
As there is a beginning, there is an end... it's inevitable...
But... as long as you have a deck and an opponent... you can keep playing. This is a goodbye, but it also isn't. It's a turning point...
Sniff... It's not a goodbye...?
That's right! Players can continue to meet each other through Cipher. So even though it's a little lonely, you won't be alone! Let's carry on with a smile., today, let's all give our farewells! Start us off, Emma!
Alright! I've been here since the beginning, but... at the start, I didn't even know what a TCG was--I felt like I didn't even know left from right.
But Miss Shade taught me so many things, and I worked hard to deliver news, experience events, and go to the livestreams. I grew a lot!
And as time went on, Miss Yuzu, Mister Randal, Miss Alice, Mister Valjean, and finally Miss Niamh and Miss Poe joined us! We had a lot of fun, and played a lot of Cipher... it was like a dream come true.
I want to give you all my thanks...
And for everyone who has read this until now, thank too all you!
Tongue got a little twisted, there!
And right at the end, too.
A-Ahaha! I've still got a lot to learn...I'm gonna continue doing my best to become independent! Let me try one more time... to everyone reading this, thank you all too!
Well, I'm next. I have been your host, bringing you new information on the regular.
Along the way, the group has gotten a lot bigger, plenty of new information was presented to me... there were times I felt directionless, but in the end, it's all become good memories.
My desire to convey the appeal of Cipher to everyone hasn't changed... but I won't be able to do that here anymore. It's a bit of a shame. But even if you won't be seeing me anymore, I will continue to support you all from the sidelines.
We will always be connected. Always remember that whenever you see our cards and play our game. Promise me! That's all from me, Shade, leader of you lost little lambs.
Alright, take it from here, Yuzu!
Ah! Where'd she go!? What happened, Yuzu!? Come on out!
S-Sorry. I felt everyone's eyes on me... I hid instinctively...
Come to think of it, you said you weren't good at public speaking, didn't you, Miss Yuzu?
That's right, back when you first joined, we had a hard time getting you to come out from back there.
Q-Quiet! It's been ages since then! I've long since overcome that weakness!
A... ahem! T-T--Then... I'll begin...!
I am Yuzu. Cipher Frontier introduced new cards and new fighting styles to me, and I became absorbed in the art of crafting decks and facing others.
You were always saying things like "I must get my hands on that card!" and studying fervently.
Without a doubt. On top of my skills in the martial arts, I have also gained an eye for strategy in Cipher, and learned many a secret technique! This is all thanks to you all and the information you have provided me.
Thanks to you all, I have no doubt that I will be able to face my brother proudly when I find him someday. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. That is all!
Thank you, Yuzu. Alright, Randal!
Hm? Oh, my turn!
Well, I've always had a motto of "take your games seriously, and take your work easy"... and I think I've brought a little of that energy here too.
For a drifter like me, I feel like I've stayed here a little too long... but maybe that's why I had as much fun as I did.
Yeah, lemme say it too... it was a lot of fun!
What!? What are you doing here!?
Oh, a new face!
A new face... you're kidding, right? Take a look at these tresses, this face, this ribbon... a light going off in your head yet?
Hm...? Wait a minute... you look just like... Randal...?
That's right, I'm... must be his son! Lovely to meet you!
No! C'mon, how many times have I been on this thing?! I'm Randal from the past!
W-we've seen this all before!
Well, as expected for the finale. Anything is possible...
To think of everything I did to make it in time for the finale, only to be treated like this! Good grief...
Everything you did...? So you utilized the effects of Boundless Chaos...? Interesting. I'll have to study you...
W-Wait, Niamh! That serious look in your eyes... stop, stop! Stop right there and drop the sword!
Well, it was brief, but I enjoyed taking part, everyone! Hope to meet you all again someday. Adieu!
He disappeared...!? That's even more interesting...
Geez, even I think he's a pain, and he's me. That said... I agree it'd be nice if we met again someday.
So it's goodbye for now, but see you all again soon. And when we do, I hope you'll humor this old man with a game. That's all. Randal out.
Thank you. You're next, Alice, Valjean!
Heheh! Finally, it's our turn! I'll start us off, Val!
Yes, my lady.
We've only been around since series 10, but without a doubt, Cipher Frontier has been an exciting time, right, Val?
Yes, my lady.
I came here with the express purpose of traveling the world, gaining experience, and becoming a magnificent leader--but before I could do that, I decided I must first become a brilliant Cipher player! And I have accomplished that! I'm a natural! Don't you agree, Val?
Yes, my lady.
And my memories of our time here... the sleepless nights before release days crafting new decks, the matches we enjoyed with everyone... it was fun, wasn't it, Val?
...yes... my... my lady... sniffle...
V...Val...!? What's wrong...!?
I am simply moved. To think that my listless liege-lady would finally find something she is passionate about in Cipher, that she got to interact with everyone here and grow into a fine young woman.
It is all thanks to you all--you at Cipher Frontier and you Cipher players reading this alike--and your warm reception. I kindly thank all of you.
That's... what I was getting at too, actually. Thank you all so much. The days we spend together... I'll never, ever, ever forget them!
Of course. And neither will I!
...of course, you still have a long road ahead of you before you are prepared to lead! From here on out, I will be training you without rest. We have much to study, so please keep that in mind, my lady.
Wh-What are you saying! So insolent! Keep in mind you're my servant forever, so... you're the one who'd better prepare yourself!
Of course, I will be yours for as long as you will have me. You will simply have to get used to my nagging.
Ufufu... Give it your all, Alice, Valjean!
Next up is Niamh!
I joined for issue 37... well, actually, my first appearance was the "Special Talk of Love & Bonds" drama CD released at Comiket 93...
My purpose has never wavered and never will... I will always research the world's various phenomena, including Boundless Chaos...
Huh!? Is that all!? My pursuit of Cipher presented me new challenges: Cipher decks... playing the game... how is it done? What is optimal? ...I still haven't found those answers... more data from more Cipher players is needed...
So what you're trying to say is: you had a lot of fun playing with everyone, and you want to keep playing from here on out, right?
...yes... that's right......... see you all soon.
A very Niamh-like concise farewell.
Poe, you're next!
Alright. It's only been a year and a half since I intruded on this little column, so my time here has been short. But it has been very fulfilling.
Participating in Winter Comiket with everyone, playing the Sing and Play Heroic ABCs karuta... they were happy days.
All the while, I have been keeping an eye on Niamh...
Heehee... you've been good, haven't you? I don't do anything to those who behave.
All you players out there behave yourselves, alright? If you're bad... heehee... heeheehee...
I pray that we will not need any unwanted reunions. That concludes my farewells. Thank you, everyone.
Ahaha... we'll all keep that in mind.
That's everyone, right...?
Heh heh heh... it's not time to end just yet! It's our final episode, so I've brought on a special guest!
A guest...? You don't mean...!?
Ta-daaa! Here he iiis!!
Hello, everyone! I'm Kawade, producer of Fire Emblem Cipher.
P-Producer Kawade!
T-This is quite the surprise!
Not only is this the final issue of Cipher Frontier, but Cipher will also be concluding service in March. I've come here to bid all of you readers and players farewell.
It's been about 6 years since the first Cipher presentations. It's been so long, but at the same time, it feels like it's gone by in a flash... It's been a wonderful time filled to the brim with events and memories.
I challenged myself with many new things during that time--not just making the game, but maintaining the Twitter and hosting livestreams, travelling across Japan and going to events.
I got to meet so many Fire Emblem and Cipher fans... It was more fun than I could have imagined, and I was really happy.
...I am so sorry that we were unable to hold the events we had planned for this final year.
That being said, thanks to our staff's hard work until the very end, we've been able to turn Cipher into a wonderful game that you can continue to play from here on out.
It's also thanks to all of you who have supported us thus far that we have been able to accomplish that. I have nothing but gratitude for you all!
Even though our work on it ends here, the Fire Emblem Cipher TCG will never die! If you would continue to pull out your cards every once in a while and play a game, that would make me very happy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
And that concludes Producer Kawade's farewell!
I've said all I needed to.
Yep, I don't think there's anything left to say.
I think that just about concludes our little Cipher Frontier, after all this time.
Um... Miss Shade. Can I say one more thing?
Hm? What is it, Emma?
Thanks for all of your hard work. And thank you for all of the things you taught me, too!
Oh, stop it, you! You're going to make me cry! I was just saying that we should do this with a smile!
Ehehe, yeah, I guess so!
Then before Miss Shade starts crying, let's hurry up and conclude this whole shebang with that!!
That's a wonderful idea, Emma. Let's do that!
Well, then, this was Emma...
and Poe's...
Cipher Frontier! is now over...!

All together, everyone!

  1. Thank you for everything, everyoooooooone!!!!!!!!
Fire Emblem Cipher
Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Val, Niamh, and Poe's Cipher Frontier!
Emma continues to train in order to become a full-fledged pegasus knight.
Her tireless Cipher training also continues,
but she has yet to show much improvement at the game.
Veteran mage that she is, Shade continues to teach the next generation.
Many seeking to become almighty Cipher players have come to her,
only to struggle bitterly under her tutelage - yet at the same time, to Emma and the others,
she remains a nurturing guiding hand.
Yuzu embarked on a journey of martial training, all the while following whispers of her brother’s whereabouts…
although evidently, she does return from her travels from time to time, bearing souvenirs,
to partake in Cipher matches with all of her friends.
Randal made a truly once-in-a-lifetime wager, only to go into hiding thereafter.
Some rumors attest that he won, and that with that windfall he secured for himself a carefree life of quiet leisure in some southern land - others, that he met with a catastrophic loss, and was hence forced into labor in someplace.
Alice's travels continue, as she seeks all the experience that she needs to become a true leader.
Although at first she struggled, she grew to thoroughly enjoy it,
and so she will persist in her journey without ever taking a break to return home... Or so she tells herself, at least.
Valjean continues to travel all across the land with his liege-lady.
Witnessing Alice grow ever stronger and wiser by the day, 
he cannot help but feel conflicting feelings of joy and loneliness beneath the privacy of his helm.
Even as she continues in her pursuit of wisdom, Niamh silently carries out research into Cipher.
Her seminal monograph, “A Compendium of Cipher Decks,”
is over 100 volumes in length, and by all accounts is still in print to this day.
Poe vanished in her hunt for evil, and her whereabouts remain unknown.
However, according to the afterword of “A Compendium of Cipher Decks,”
she and Niamh have since fought to the death on many an occasion.