Cipher Frontier Issue 48
Issue 48: The Release of Three Houses! The Release of Series 18!

Hello, everyooone!

It's been one month since "Fire Emblem: Three Houses" was released on the Nintendo Switch... have you been having fun with it?
Yes! I'm enjoying the school life!
I have been playing it as well. It has been entertaining to watch all of my students train diligently to hone their crafts.
To be a teacher, helping each student make the best of their strengths and cover for their weaknesses... it's a great experience for one who is destined for nobility!
The progression of the plot... is interesting as well...
And the characters that help Three Houses stand out make their appearances on the Cipher battlefield in Series 18! But you already knew that, right?
Of course! The release date is Thursday, 9/26, right?
Correct! There's only one month left until release... so the focus today is going to be the new Three Houses cards that are releasing in the set!
First, let's do a debriefing on the story of Three Houses. The setting this time is the far off land of Fódlan!
The continent of Fódlan is divided up into three countries--the southern half of the continent makes up the Adrestian Empire, to the north is the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and to the east lies the Liecester Alliance.
After many battles, these three countries stand in a stace of relative peace and balance.
The Garreg Mach Monastary lies at the center of these three countries. It is the headquarters for the Church of Seiros, the dominant religion of the continent, as well as a military academy that prepares youths for their futures.
And the protagonist becomes a professor at that military academy, no?
Right. This is the protagonist! In the video games, they have two forms you can choose from. The player may also pick their name freely.
This is... a Series 18 card...!
At the beginning of the game, the protagonist chooses one of three classes to head...
I did thaaat! It was really hard to pick, but it was fun to learn about them!
The first is the Black Eagles class, which represents the long-standing Adrestian Empire. The house leader is the heiress of that empire, Edelgard.
Wooow... Miss Edelgard is so cooool! I picked this house for my playthrough!
Next is the Blue Lions class, which represents the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus--a country made up of knightly orders. The leader of this one is the future King, Dimitri.
I could tell that Sir Dimitri is a good man--that's why I picked the Blue Lions.
And the third class is the Golden Deer, which represents the kingless Leicester Alliance. The leader of this one is Claude, the eldest son of the Riegan family--one of the many families that make up the Alliance.
I picked this class. I get the feeling that beneath his smile, Claude is the sort of person who doesn't let his guard down!
The player takes on the role of the protagonist, guiding their students in class and on the battlefield as they grow as a teacher and fighter.
Cipher will include cards for many of these students, of course! Additionally, we have Sothis, a mysterious girl who appears to the protagonist in a dream at the start of the game.
She is a mysterious entity...... I will need to gather more information and study further...
And on top of that, many of the Three Houses cards this time have a new kind of skill called a "Crest Power"!
Crest... Power...? Um... what's a 'Crest'...?
Could they mean... something like an 'emblem'...
That's about right! In the games, some characters have powers called "Crests", which are sort of like their own emblems!
And these Crests appear in Cipher as "Crest Powers", which are skills used directly from your hand!
F-From your haaand!? Fie, we have never seen a skill like that before, have we!?
Ufufu... yes, this is a first in Cipher! They look a little something like this!
Ohhh! It looks like it says "this can only be used when the card is in your hand"!
So when you say you use it from your hand, do you mean that you use the skill without deploying the card?
Right! Look at the second skill on this Edelgard card as an example of a card that demonstrates its abilities through its Crest Power! developments... new strategies... the possibilities available in Cipher are expanding...
No doubt! Uwooah! I can hardly contain myself! I'll try these cards for myself as soon as I can!
Cipher series 18 isn't only Three Houses, either. Awakening and Sacred Stones characters will also be included!
Oh, this is Marisa's first time appearing in the Booster Series, isn't it? I wonder what new abilities Chrom and Ephraim will demonstrate... how exciting!
There are plenty of other cards with new skills, so definitely keep your eyes peeled!
It's really exciting that Three Houses is already appearing in the card game--I'm still playing through the game myself!
And they have Crest Powers! I must try them immediately!
You can scout students from other classes in the game, but in Cipher, you could even make a class with characters from other games, like Marth or Corrin! And then you could use it as your deck! Very fun!
The possibilities... are boundless...!
Information on Series 18--"Oratario of Embarkation"--as well as the new Three Houses cards can be found on our website! Additionally, more new information is always being released on our Twitter, so definitely check that too!
Well then, everyone, until the Series 18 release on 9/26...

See you theeeen!!!!!

Series 18... how interesting! Finally, I'll get to make my entrance. Heehee...