Cipher Frontier Issue 10
Issue 10: The Autumnal Special Live Broadcast!
Today, we will be reporting to you on the contents of the Fire Emblem Cipher 2015 Autumnal Special Live Broadcast that was streamed on NicoNico 11/7.
Emma heeere! Miss Shade, your intro was so abrupt today!
Well, the NicoNico Livestream we're covering today was packed with information, so if I don't make haste, we might not get through it all!
Ah, so that's why! Roger that! In that case, let's get to it right away!
First, let's go over the Series 3 information.
I've compiled what we know based on our various sources, such as the official webpage, below:
  • The booster pack series will be entitled “Hopeward Twin Sword” and the starter deck will be entitled “Path of Radiance”
    It will release Thursday, December 20th
  • Booster pack boxes will contain one of two kinds promo cards and one of two packs of original card sleeves (5 sleeves per pack)
  • Starter decks will contain a code on a paper sheet with an original download theme for Nintendo 3DS "Fire Emblem Chorus"
These are the two kinds of sleeves you can receive in the Booster Box.
Woooow! Mister Ike’s card sleeves are awesome! 
And the little pixelated Fates sleeves are sooo cute, too!!
I'd like to highlight the Fire Emblem Choral Arrangement that you can download if you purchase a starter deck. 
You can hear that oh-so-famous song straight from your 3DS home screen! It’s enough to make a Fire Emblem fan cry.
Everyone seems to really like that song, huh?
It came out before I was born, so this was my first time listening to it… it’s really interesting!
……A-Ahem. Moving right along, let's address the series 3 cards.
Ohh… it’s that card that Miss Lynn signed live last NicoLive!
They introduced two new kinds of skills, too: Level Up Skills and Union Skills!
“Level Up Skills” are skills that you unlock based on the number of cards stacked beneath a unit, be that through Level-Up or Class Change. “Union Skills” are unlocked by having cards with different Symbols than your own in the Bond Area. Very representative of Revelation, in which Hoshido and Nohr fight side-by-side.
Seems like they'll be introducing a lot of new cards and skills that make it easier to build a deck around the Level Up mechanic, and around using Hoshidan and Nohrian cards together.
And of course, they showed off plenty of popular faces!
Ohh... they've got everything from cute girls to cool guys...!
I've got my eye on you, series 3!
Let's keep things moving! 
Next up, the titles they've confirmed for series 4!
We already knew that Awakening and Mystery of the Emblem were being represented, but they finally announced the third title.
That's right, and it is...
It is...!

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE!!

They unveiled some illustrations accordingly!
Shinjiro Takada, The Producer of Atlus Ltd, made a guest appearance.
He had a lot of interesting things to say
The video they showed was really cool too!
They had those pegasi that looked like rockets, I wanna ride one too!
They also announced that preordered copies of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for the WiiU will contain a promo card drawn by Yusuke Kozaki. 
For a limited time, the special edition and console set will also contain it.
Mister toi8 was the character designer for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, right?
Didn’t he also draw a Lucina promo card for the release of Fire Emblem: Fates on the 3DS?
That’s right. We hope you all enjoy this little collaboration between the two character designers.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for the WiiU releases on Saturday, December 26th!
And series 4 of Cipher will release early next year–Thursday, March 17th, 2016!
That brings us to our next topic, the info on series 5! We know which titles will be the focus of this set as well now.
And those are... ta-daaa!
Radiant Dawn and Binding Blaaade!
Radiant Dawn is the sequel to Path of Radiance, which was featured in Series 3. 
So you can use this Series to flesh out whatever deck you made with those cards. On top of that, Binding Blade is quite popular for having been the first game in the series to be released on the Gameboy Advance. This is bound to be a popular series!
They even showed off some in-progress illustrations!
These are illustrations done by Senri Kita, the character designer for Radiant Dawn,
and Kotaro Yamada, the illustrator for Binding Blade spinoff manga Hasha no Tsurugi.
I reaaally want to see what these look like when they're finished!
But the release isn't until next year... ugh, it feels so far away!
Next year marks series 4, series 5, and more.
But in the meantime, let's enjoy series 3!
Now, that about covers information on the card game itself.
Now, we get into event and campaign information.
On-stream, they confirmed:
  • The name and dates of the official tournament have been decided
  • Cipher will be tabling at Comiket 89
  • There will be an official New-Year's Party
  • There will be a series 3 pre-release livestream
Merchandise like playmats and other supplies, as well as the games themself, will be sold at Comiket. There's a lot of merchandise that fans are gonna love in the works!
According to Producer Kawade, there were a lot of requests for specific merchandise at the meet-ups and events… so maybe they took those comments into account?
Regardless of whether or not you play Cipher,
you're welcome to drop by!
Details on the Official Tournament are here.
For other information, please continue checking the website as it is updated.
The following was also announced as part of a three-month campaign celebrating the release of Series 3.
Album Book" Present Campaign
For three consecutive months in December, January, and February, we will be giving away an "Album Book" to those who purchase at least one starter deck or five booster packs at an affiliated store where the tournament is held.
You will receive an "Album Book" as a present!
What’s an “Album Book”?
It’s a booklet with a Fire Emblem side story.
You can also use it to put two connecting Cipher cards side-by-side to see the illustration in its totality.
For December, the Album Book will be a side story for Path of Radiance, for January, Fates: Birthright, 
and for February, Fates: Conquest.
Ooooh… the stories are brand new content written specifically for these books, aren’t they?
I've gotta collect all of them!
You can find more information here.
Whew… and with that, we’re done, aren’t we?
There… there really was so much, all the anticipation is making me feel like I've got butterflies in my stomach!!
The next NicoLive will be on December 5th. I wonder if they'll be talking more about series 3?
Or maybe they'll have another deckbuilding tutorial?
Waaah! I can’t waaaaait!
Well then, everyone, I hope you all wait patiently for the next NicoLive.
See you lateeeer!