Cipher Frontier Issue 13
Issue 13: We're Hosting a Cipher Festival!
Miss Shade! Miss Shade! Look, look!
I know, it's finally happening!
Fire Emblem 0 Festival 2016... well, everyone's been calling it Cipherfest for short! 
Fufu… I’m very much looking forward to it!
Me too! I’m really looking forward to it too~!
What…………… is Cipherfest, exactly?
Hehe! Like… when you say Cipherfest…… what does that mean?
Really! Sometimes I can’t believe this girl…
Well, it’s alright. I'll debrief you on the basics!
Yaaay! Thank you Miss Shaaaade!
Cipherfest is an event where various goings-on are held that Fire Emblem fans and Cipher players alike can enjoy.
Ooh~! It’s an event! So that’s what the "fest" means?
Fire Emblem 0 Festival 2016 WEST will be held in Osaka on Sunday, 1/31,
while Fire Emblem 0 Festival 2016 EAST will be held on Saturday, 2/6.
Details can be found here.
Wooow! It looks really interesting!
I really wanna go! Do you have to apply? What's the admission fee?
No to both! Entrance is free!
You don’t even need to make any advance registration
It’s perfectly fine to just show up day-of.
Both events are held from 9 AM to 5 PM!
Awesooome! That’s so generous of Producer Kawade~!
I’m going to invite all my friends to come with me~!
…wait, awww!!
Wh-what is it?
None of my friends have even played Cipher before…
I bet they're not allowed to come, huh...?
Of course they are!
Cipher players are encouraged to attend, but there are plenty of things for non-players to enjoy as well.
Really…? Phew, that’s a relief!
Hoh… and what sort of events will be held?
M-Miss Yuzu!? Have you been here all along…?
Aye. From the start.
……Y-You certainly are a ninja of a girl.
Verily, Cipherfest piqued my interest as well.
I’ve come to get as many specific details as I can!
I see, is that so... ahem
well then, let me gather my bearings…
First is the Cipher Main Stage!
On this stage, talk shows between Producer Kawade and special guests, mini concerts by the sound staff, and other various events will be held.
Sounds like you’ll get a chance to hear all sorts of things you might not normally get to!
Additionally, there will be Autograph Sessions by various illustrators who have contributed to Cipher.
What! Cipher is host to many beautiful illustrations.
This seems like a highlight!
Next, the 100 Songs of Heroes Area!
Here, you can play karuta with the special 100 Songs of Heroes karuta deck,
which features illustrations of Fire Emblem characters.
I see!
My friends could definitely have fun with that, even though they don't know a thing about Cipher!
Of course, the Sales Area is also a must-see!
There will be plenty of Cipher goods that will only be sold here, after all.
I would especially like to highlight the series 3 Fire Emblem 0 Artworks III illustration artbook,
and the new playmats.
Wow~! New goods!
They’re all so cool~!
We have the brand new Knights' Senbei too!
These are boxes of senbei–Japanese rice crackers–with images of characters from the Knight class on them.
Heh… to think that such skilled warriors could be turned into senbei…!
It almost seems like a waste to eat them.
Alongside these, can badges and the prior-mentioned 100 Songs of Heroes will be sold.
Details are here!
Customers who make a purchase will receive the “Camilla: Eldest Princess of Nohr” promotional card, 
which was well-received at Comiket 89.
I’m really interested in that illustration book you mentioned before!
I wonder if I should go buy it…?
There will also be the Exhibition Area, where there will be a display of all of the current Cipher Cards,
and the Photoshoot Area, where you can take commemorative photos.
Photoshoot…? So they will be taking photos at the event?
That’s right! You can take photos with Falchion and the Binding Shield—among other props—in front of the provided background.
It really makes one feel like a Fire Emblem lord, no?
I want to dress up like Mister Marth or Mister Chrom and take some photos with my friends!
Miss Yuzu, we let's go together!
I shy away from that sort of thing, but…
I-If it’s just one, then I shall not refuse you!
That all said, is there nowhere to actually play a match?
Of course there is.
Onsite, there is a Free Battle Area, where you can freely arrange matches.
The staff handle the arrangements,
so don't worry about bringing or finding a partner yourself.
And moreover, there is the Quest Battle Area as well.
You can play matches with slight changes to the rules, such as “You only start with 3 orbs” or “You have two lords”,
among other things. This is a must-see too!
Oh, very interesting.
A samurai must be able to react under any circumstances—
I would definitely like to try a Quest Battle with someone.
Not only that, but there’s the Girls-Only Match Area.
Only women can play here.
Oh, nice!
There are an awful lot of female fans of Fire Emblem, after all!
Additionally, for those with a budding interest in Cipher, or looking to learn the rules,
there is the Cipher Tutorial Area, 
where they have staff to teach you how to play. They're very patient with newbies!
Oooh! I wonder if any of my friends would wanna learn how to play… I’ll definitely have to recommend that to them…
Do you need a deck?
Not at all. You are fine coming empty-handed. And with all that behind us,
there is one more vital event at Cipherfest…
The Japan's Best Tournament!
Right! Exactly!
Huh... Japan's Best...?
I feel like I’ve heard something about that before, haven’t I…?
Aye. This tournament will determine Japan's greatest warrior!
Currently, regional qualifiers across the country are host to the most heated battles one can imagine. And upon conclusion of those... the decisive matches will be held at Cipherfest!
First, at Cipherfest West in Osaka, qualifiers for the Kansai area will be held.
Players who applied in advance will fight to represent the Kansai area.
And at Cipherfest East in Tokyo, the decisive tournament among all representatives for the different areas across the country will be held. The winner will be declared Japan’s best!
I can’t help but feel that the clash will be fierce–I must witness it all for myself! Anyone who considers themself a warrior would feel the same!
Th-that definitely seems like a must-see!
Ohh, my heart is racing just thinking about it~!
...and I think that about sums up what sort of experience Cipherfest will be.
Do you understand a little better?
I totally do~!
It really seems like it's gonna be SO much fun!
All attendees will receive two promotional Azura cards drawn by Mr. Yusuke Kozaki.
N-No way...! We even get souvenirs!?
These cards of Miss Azura are so, so pretty! I want them so bad~!
We've gotta go!!
Emma, you'll treat me to a match, won't you?
You can even bring those friends of yours to help, if you so please!
Let's do it!
I’ll destroy you with the power of our friendship!
Ahem! Don't forget the rules, you two...
Cipher matches are 1-on-1!
Well, regardless, Fire Emblem 0 Festival 2016 is shaping up to be a lot of fun!
We look forward to seeing you all.
We’d love to see you come play.

So see you theeere!