Cipher Frontier Issue 34
Issue 34: Nice, Nice! Series 11 Release!

Hello everyooone!

It's starting to cool down--none of you have caught anything, have you?
It's pretty cold up in the sky where I ride my pegasus... but I feel healthy as a horse!
Don't get careless, Emma. Your health always comes first.
Of course! After all, we can't afford to take sick time right now! Today... the release of Cipher Series 11!

Fittingly entitled "Glorious Twinstrike", Series 11 releases today!
Ohh...! What a cool title!! It really gives that feeling of a one-two punch of cool!!
Yeah, "Glorious Twinstrike" as in "two marvelous attacks back-to-back", right? Pretty cool series title to end 2017 on!
Fufu, well, let's proceed with the introduction posthaste, then! First, the product information!
"Glorious Twinstrike" Booster Packs
Featured Titles:
"Sacred Stones", "Echoes: Shadows of Valentia", "Fire Emblem Warriors"
One 10-card pack: 350 yen (before tax)
One 16-pack box: 5600 yen (before tax)
Each game's main characters are lined up on the front of the packaging! Wonderful!
Oh! I just realized--each of the titles featured this time has two main characters, don't they!
Lady Eirika & Sir Ephraim... Sir Alm & Lady Celica... and Lady Lianna & Sir Rowan! Hmm, it seems you're right!
Ufufu, that's right! That's what the "twin" in "twinstrike" refers to!
I see... It's a pretty cool title taken on its own, but it's got a deeper meaning, too.
This is the first time we will be seeing cards for Sacred Stones, which will debut under the "Sacred Treasures" symbol. They feature new skills playing on a theme of support.
There are promoted cards with support skills and other cards with powerful support skills that come at a cost. Pretty interesting stuff!
It appears there are cards that allow you to manipulate what card will appear as support as well.
And of course, the apples of everyone's eye this time are Eirika's and Ephraim's "Twin Skills (TS)"!!
T..."Twin Skill"...!? What do those do?
I'll explain, so listen carefully! They are skills that allow you to play as though both Eirika and Ephraim are your lord--at the cost of both of them being tied to your Orbs!
Oho! Aren't you kinda oversimplifying it, though, Shade...?
Oh, c'mon, I think it's a sufficient explanation! Breaking it down like this makes it easier to understand!
Well, I don't entirely get how it works, but it seems pretty cool! I want to try it, Val!
It has my interest as well, humble as that may be.
Wooooah! Twin Skills! I must try my hand at them! Someone--spar with me!
Ahaha! I'd love to sometime!
The Series 11 Ephraim and Eirika cards are drawn by Sachiko Wada, Rika Suzuki, and Kotaro Yamada, which I find a huge point in their favor!
Woooow~! No wonder they're so pretty!!
I see! Lady Sachiko Wada was the character designer for Sacred Stones, and Lady Rika Suzuki was the illustrator for the Sacred Stones novels. And Sir Kotaro Yamada drew Ephraim for the Awakening DLC!
And we managed to gather them all in one series? Seems like a tough feat to pull off!
Additionally, the Echoes: Shadows of Valentia cards feature the "Conqueror", "Rigain", and "Harrier" overclasses!
"Overclasses"!? That sounds awesome!
What!? my eyes fail me, or do these overclass cards have higher class change costs than deployment costs?!
That's right! Overclass cards are easier to deploy than to promote into. This is because they have powerful skills that they can only use when they are class changed!
Of course, there are plenty of "Master Class" cards from Echoes as well.
So compared to those other ones, Master Class cards are easier to promote into than to deploy--just like normal promoted cards!
Overclass cards and Master Class cards... looks like you'll have to pick your tactics carefully to use them to their best effect. They'll make for some interesting battles!
And on top of those two games, this is also the first appearance of cards from Fire Emblem Warriors--many of which are the Heroes of Legend from previous games!
Yaaaay! Mister Marth and Mister Chrom are back!
Valiant heroes and cute heroes alike lined up side-by-side, how wonderful!
My my... am I mistaken, or do these cards bear no symbols?
What!? Sir Marth and Sir Chrom have always appeared under a symbol up until now--do you mean to say these ones don't have one!?
Aha... it's easier to add cards like this into a variety of decks, since they have no color requirements... seems like fun.
And make no mistake--we also have booster boxes with special rewards this time as well!
Oh? The promo cards this time are promoted, are they?
Correct! These Eirika and Ephraim cards are exclusive to booster boxes--one of the two in each box! And they are holographic, too!
And on top of that, the original card sleeves featuring illustrations from Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem Warriors!
V-Val! Hurry up and purchase some boxes until we've collected all the rewards! I give you my permission!
Fear not, my lady. I have already preordered plenty.
Oh yeah... there are signed cards this time too, right?
Ufufufufu! Naturoylly! ...naturally, rather. Here are the signed cards and connected cards from this series!!
This time, we have Ephraim's Taku Yashiro, Eirika's Kaori Mizuhashi, Faye's Atsumi Tanezaki, Clive's Hiroshi Kamiya, Rowan's Yuma Uchida, Lianna's Maaya Uchida, and Anna's Saori Seto as our signers!
We've got a lotta new signed cards this time, too, huh? Wow, Cipher's becoming a pretty big name!
Mister Taku Yashiro, Miss Atsumi Tanezaki, and Miss Saori Seto even showed up to our livestream! They brought a really fun vibe!
The broadcast got me fired up for this release! The signed cards this time are a must-have!
We have another special campaign running alongside the Series 11 release as well--the Cipher Winter Original Notebook Gift Campaign! If you buy 16 booster packs, or one booster box, you will receive a special commemorative notebook and sticker sheet!
A notebook is a useful tool to have! You can use it to compile notes on deckbuilding or strategies for play.
V-Val! Add a box to our preorder!
I have already made sure to preorder a box for you, my lady. ...and one for myself as well.
Oh right, Miss Shade? I had a question! You said something about "Overclasses" when you were talking about Echoes... what's an "Overclass"? Is that some kinda class above promoted classes?
Huh!? Er, um... well... that's...! A-Ahaha... how to explain it...?
Pardon my interruption. If it is alright, I would be happy to offer an explanation.
Huuh!? Val... do you already know what they are?
Of course. I requested an explanation from the director of "Echoes: Shadows of Valentia".
"Rather than 'above', the 'over' in 'overclass' refers to a lateral movement, representing a branch in promotion. Each job is related to the gods and legendary warriors of yore that came before Duma and Mila's presence in Valentia. You can gain the power of these legends at various altars dedicated to them."
...this is the explanation I was provided.
Woooow! So that's what it means! I'm gonna have to study up!
W-When did you get a chance to talk to...
I have brought production materials for these classes as well. Here are some concepts for the "Conqueror", "Rigain", "Harrier", "Skogul", "Enchantress", and "Exemplar" overclasses.
Y-you even brought concepts...!?
Wow, this guy's incredible! Great job, man!
Please, you are too kind.
(Now it's not just Randal, even Valjean is upstaging me... Grrr! Fight on, Shade!)
They look extravagant, yet functional! I'd love to arrive to a battlefield clothed as such sometime.
Yeah, no doubt! Well... we may not be in overclasses, but we have some cards in this set, too--hope you look forward to pulling us!
...and that's about it on Series 11! We covered quite a lot this time!
Characters from Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem Warriors make their debuts! Overclasses from Echoes make an appearance! Give all the neeew cards a shot!
There are no shortage of cards with new and interesting skills as well! And I have no shortage of anticipation for them!
I've been waiting for a while, so I'm definitely gonna try making a new deck. Think I'm gonna call it "Randal's Revival"!
Val, I can't wait any longer! I'm going to the card shop!
Of course, my lady. I will bring over our horses!
These are our new cards! Treat them with care!
And let's call it a wrap there! Well then, everybody...

Over to the card shop we go for Series 11!!