Cipher Frontier Issue 38
Issue 38: Another Round of Introductions!
Hello everyooone!!!!!!
Before we even knew it, May was already upon us.
New students and new working adults have finally begun to get into the swing of things by now, right?
Everyone who's at a new stage in their life, give it your all~! I was SUPER nervous my first time appearing on this column, too!
Myself as well. Come to think of it, that was long ago at this point...
Since it's been so long, let's do another set of introductions!
Get cozy and take a listen.
Well then, Emma, if you would start us off!
Yes ma'am! Um... I'm Emma. I'm an apprentice pegasus knight in training, but someday, I'm going to be a full-fledged adult!
VA: Eri Suzuki
So until then, I'm going to do my very best at training and at Cipher! Thanks in advance for the patience, everyooone!
By the way, I'm voiced by Miss Eri Suzuki! I sound pretty dang cute, if I do say so myself!
I suppose it's my turn next!
I'm the dark mage, Shade. Some call me "The Teacher of Black Shadows".
VA: Hibiku Yamamura
Ufufu... if you ever have any questions, please ask!
Oh, that's right! I also appear in the DLC for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, so I look forward to seeing you there, too!
Master Emma and Master Randal appear in "Cipher Legends 1", and Master Shade and Master Yuzu appear in "Cipher Legends 2", available for 500 yen (tax included) each!
Such subtle product placement.
More ads...
W-what! C'mon, it's fine! Conveying information about products and appealing to our readers is an important part of our jobs too!!
Without a doubt!
Ahaha... you're up next, Miss Yuzu!
Aye. I am Yuzu, and I have been training in the martial arts since I was but a child. I have been training in various weaponry for Cipher.
VA: Juri Kimura
Scoundrels will become but rust on the edge of my blade! Prepare yourself!
H... how dangerous...
But she really loves cute things too! Look at this little cat plush--so fluffy and soft!
H-hey, isn't that mine!? You! Return it at once! ...s-someone else go!
Alright. Well, guess it's time for the old man.
I'm Randal. I'm a sorry excuse for a knight who currently has no master. I wander around from town to town, battlefield to battlefield.
VA: Katsuyuki Konishi
Let's do our best to work together!
While Sir Randal may look undisciplined at first, he is experienced and an expert at gathering intel, so don't underestimate him.
Hey, what're you buttering me up for? C'mon, you're making me blush!
Oh yeah... and sometimes you just suddenly become younger, right, Mister Randal? Kinda like this...
Hmm... how curious...
Alright! Next up is my turn!
I'm Alice! I am traveling around all sorts of lands with my servant, Val, in order to become a splendid head of my househould someday.
VA: Minami Takahashi
It's the duty of the upper class to protect the common people... so if you ever have any troubles, you can bring them alllll to me!
Alice, your clothes are always so pretty... you look like a princess! You're so cute!
Heheh! Well... I guess you're not wrong!
My lady, you must act more humbly! As nobility, you must display both dignity and courtesy...
Ahh, quiet, you! Val! Give your introduction--you're the last one!
Oh, my apologies, you're right. I am Valjean. I serve Lady Alice as both a butler and a knight.
VA: Hidenori Takahashi
But please, feel free to call me Val.
Wow, just as good at introductions as you are at service work... you're a man of many talents!
You are too kind.
Let's see~... I believe that's everyone...
M... Miss Shade! Miss Shade! Miss Niamh still hasn't gone!
W-when did you get here!?
Since the start...
R-Really... Well, feel free to introduce yourself.
I am Niamh... I hail from a world overflowing with the power that you call "Boundless Chaos"...
VA: Yuuki Kuwahara
...huh? Is that it?
U-Umm... Miss Niamh is our most recent addition to Cipher Frontier... and...
Hold on, looking at this again, I don't think we've seen this illustration before!!
This is an illustration for one of my newest cards... I have two new cards in Series 13.
Is... is this new information!? You just threw that out there so nonchalantly...
I made a deck using these new cards......
And you even made a deck! Nobody bothered to tell me about this!
In Series 13, I appear as a Sage and a Wyvern Lord.... so I wanted to make a deck with only magical and flying units. When I class change into a Sage, it is vital to make the best use of my 1-2 range to launch attacks on enemies in both the front and back lines...
Wow, Miss Niamh knows how to use a sword, cast magic, AND ride dragons! That's amaziiing!
Um, to tell the truth... I have new cards as well...
My bad, me too!
Huuuuuuh!! You all too... what on earth!
Not only that, but we made our own decks too. Take a peek!
My deck is built under the assumption that fellow swordsmen Sir Yen'fay and Lady Say'ri will take on enemies in the frontlines, and Lady Lissa and Lady Maribelle will take on enemies in the back lines. I have multiple lords I can promote into depending on who my foe is.
My newest cards' skills have no cost, so you can use them to annoy your opponents whenever you want. After I class change, you can use Innes' and Natasha's skills to activate support skills twice... nice, right?
One of Master Randal's new cards is more specifically his younger form. Both of you have quite the interesting attributes with very different effects.
Grr... you three are so mean!!
But now I am looking forward to Series 13 even more!!
I wanna build a new deck already!! When does the new series release again...?
Cipher Series 13 releases on Thursday, 6/28!
Whew... before we knew it, this went from simple self-introductions to an introduction of Series 13 too... let's call it here, everyone.
Do you remember all our names yet, everyone?
We would be happy if you did.
I'll say it all again, but we're counting on you all!
Don't miss our future columns! Right, Val?
Without a doubt. You are exactly correct, my lady.
So everyone, we and Cipher...

Will see you next tiiime!!!!!!

Next time......