Cipher Frontier Issue 55
Issue 55: The Storm... it Approaches! The Apocalyptic Flame of Series 21!

Hello, everyooone!!!!!!!!

yaaawn... Hi everyone... how're you today...?
Huh? Miss Shade, you seem kinda sleepy this morning...
I wonder why! It's not like a certain someone kept me up late playing Cipher matches!
Heheheh... oh yeah. Sorry, I got so into it that I lost track of the time.
Lately, it seems as though everyone, my lady Alice included, has been playing online.
It's because we haven't been able to go to the card shops. For some reason, Emma seems way stronger online.
Online battles are great and all, but I can't help but wanna do some real fights in the card shops again sometime.
Aye. There is a unique sense of tension when you can look your opponent in the eye.
I've heard word... that some card shops are opening back up little by little...
That being said, we all still have to be careful, no?
That's right. Wash your hands, put your mask on, use that sanitizer and try not to touch your opponent's cards, everyone... if you do that, we can enjoy some battles at the shops again.
It's easy to forget in these circumstances, but that's not why we're here today!
Of course! Today is...!

The release of Cipher Series 21!!!!!!!!

We did it! The wait felt sooo long! I'm itching for that new-card feeling!
I am looking forward to it as well. What cards are in store for us this time, I wonder?
If I recall, Three Houses, Binding Blade, Blazing Blade, and Heroes are the focal series this time.
Right! Series 21, Tempest of Apocalyptic Flame, focuses on those 4 titles, their heroes, and the wars they face!
"Tempest of Apocalyptic Flame" Booster Packs
Featured Titles:
Three Houses, Binding Blade, Blazing Blade, Heroes
One 10-card pack: 350 yen (before tax)
One 16-pack box: 5600 yen (before tax)
Dimitri, Claude, and even Eliwood! We have such a lineup of handsome men here, don't we!
Peony is quite cute too. I believe this is her first appearance in Cipher.
We have quite a lot of characters making their first appearances this time as well.
First, let's introduce the Three Houses cards! This series focuses on Claude, Dimitri, and their stories. Let's begin with the house leaders!
...very dignified, both as students and as adults 5 years later.
...confirming the presence of Crest of the Goddess' signature "CP (Crest Power)" skills... I feel a great power...
Dimitri's ability to proactively target your opponent's lord seems powerful. The greatest defense is a strong offense.
Does Claude have a skill that lets him adapt to the moment and change your unit positioning accordingly? Pretty hard for an opponent to know what to expect with a skill like that up your sleeve.
Of course, we also have plenty of their classmates!
Wooow! All of the Blue Lions are here! Miss Mercedes is so pretty! And Mister Ashe's student form looks nice too!
As for the Golden Deer, Dragon Master Hilda stands out as strong. Raphael, who was also in Series 18 and is a gauntlet-user, also has my eye.
And everyone has such interesting skills! I am having a hard time wrapping my head around who to use!
Everyone's individual characteristics have diligently been turned into skills--how fantastic of Cipher.
Additionally! We have characters from the Cindered Shadows sidestory as well!
So they've already made the four Ashen Wolves into Cipher cards! Glad to see it.
...Yuri has a skill that allows you to use CP skills to their greatest potential... something to be aware of...
And he works well with Balthus, Constance, and Hapi. That's a house leader for you.
And that's not all! You guessed it--our protagonist Byleth, Edelgard, and the monastery staff are included in this series as well!
Byleth and Edelgard look great too! Such dignity and mettle--you can tell that they have what it takes to lead.
Indeed. And from Lady Shamir and Sir Jeritza, you can sense the menacing aura of someone who is truly a professional in combat.
And actually, we even have cards like these ones!
Eeeeeek!! I-It's Mister Nemesis and Miss Hegemon Edelgard!!
Oh my... surely, you would call them evil, wouldn't you? Heehee, it seems my time to shine has come.
N-No, I can't really talk specifics... um, it's all a big spoiler, so all I can say is play the game for yourself!
Aye. I see that both have very troublesome skills once they're on the battlefield.
Yeah, they're both pretty nasty. But cards like this really expand the potential of what you can do with a deck, so I'm all for it!
Continuing on, we also have cards from Binding Blade and Blazing Blade! This series features characters that demonstrate the bonds between generations. First, we have Eliwood and his son, Roy!
Whoa! Mister Eliwood has 4 skills!
...according to my databases... the only cards with 4 skills... are this Eliwood, and Roy from series 9...
Really!? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... you can feel the connection between the two.
And the fact that each skill is the name of a chapter in Blazing Blade is just superb.
This Roy appears to be made in the image of the final battle, no? His skills really make the most of Legendary Weapons cards too.
Let me introduce you to one more father and child combination. This one is Eliwood's dear friend Hector, and his daughter Lilina!
Wooow! Hector looks so cool with a beard! And this Lilina looks so different than usual, so pretty!
This looks like a Lilina who has taken over Ostia and become the head of the Lycian alliance, doesn't it?
With her late father's beloved axe Armads in hand, she swears to succeed him with determination. It brings a tear to my eye!
She looks like she'd make an interesting lord. I'm gonna try making a deck with her!
And, aaand! These characters from Blazing Blade make their appearances as well!
Oh, this Lyn is wearing a dress! She looks like she is from after the end of the game... this must be an original design!
True fans won't be able to resist the characters from House Cornwell either. I would like to try my hand at making a deck with Lord Raven, Lady Priscilla, and Sir Lucius all together.
And from Binding Blade, we have these characters!
We had Lyn and Bartre, and now these characters from Sacae--my, there is a lot of green in this series.
...the divine weapon-wielding Rutger and Sue have "LIS (Legendary Weapon Skills)"... series 16 Roy's potential grows greater...
Looking forward to all the powerful cards under the Legendary Weapon symbol too!
The Heroes portion of this series focuses on the characters debuting in Book 4. First, we have Peony, the ljósálfar from the land of dreams, Ljósálfheimr!
Wooow! Miss Peony, ljósálfar of good dreams... she's so cute and sparkly... I love her!
And as your bond cards increase, she becomes free to deploy... having a good feel for timing is vital.
We have a new card of Sharena, Princess of Askr, as well!
She makes it easier to draw Peony, so the two work well together. They seem like such good friends, don't they?
It is important to ensure you always have 3 face-up bond cards when using her in battle.
And, and, and! Freyr, king of the land of dreams, as well as Triandra and Plumeria from the land of nightmares against which they war, are also participating in this series!
Oh, I've got my eyes on these ladies. If it means they'll attack me, maybe I'll try becoming king of the land of dreams.
...Freyr... depending on how your opponent's deck is built, his skills could be potent...
Triandra and Plumeria are misbehaving too, aren't they? Heehee... I'm looking forward to this fight.
Whew, that's about it for my presentation...
What do you all think? Isn't series 21 full of awesome, beautiful, unique cards?
Oooo... yes, yes! I don't care which ones, I just want to try playing with some of them!
I will be making a Three Houses deck. I want to see how broad the uses of CP skills are.
It's going to be purple cards for me! All of the LIS cards are here now, so I can improve upon the deck I already made.
Each Heroes card is rather standalone, so you can fit them into a wide variety of decks.
Well, I'm interested in all of 'em! This series gets a perfect score in appeal for me.
Oh, that's right! I have one more thing. In celebration of the release of series 21, I've brought some special card illustrations from the upcoming next and final series, series 22: The Heroes' Paean!
Whaaat!! Really!?
...series 22... if I recall... it covers every Fire Emblem!
I wonder which characters they'll have? I'm excited.
With that, I'm going to start showing off some illustrations!

Ohhh! These are--!?

Marth and Lucina, Azura and Deirdre... it's an allstar cast!
Even Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and Fire Emblem Warriors. Hey, it's great that they got Hasha no Tsurugi in here too.
These illustrations of the house leaders from Three Houses are impressive as well.
We have a grand lineup of illustrators taking part in this series! It's not an exhaustive list, but here are some of them!
They have Miss Chinatsu Kurahana from Three Houses; Mister Yusuke Kozaki from Awakening, Fates, and Heroes; Mister Hidari from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Miss Senri Kita from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn!
Even Tama Yugyoji from the Crown of Nibelung manga and Maki Hakoda from the Shadow Dragon manga!
...this is... going to be quite the series...
And one more thing! The real gem in the crown of series 22, this illustration!!

Kyaaa!! What on earth is thiiis!?

This is... really some kind of masterpiece...
A connecting illustration of 13 lords from across the series! 30 years of Fire Emblem history packed into one image--to say that it's the culmination of Cipher as a whole wouldn't be an exaggeration! It's perfect for our finale!
V-V-V-V--Val! Let's hurry up and place a preorder for series 22! Be sure that we are able to get some!!
Yes, my lady. I will move it to the top of my list!
Speaking of which, I wonder if we will be making an appearance...?
Ufufu... that's a seeecret! Let's think of it as... a surprise to find out on release.
I want to know more...... but it will take the fun out of it... patience...
Oooooh... Cipher is only getting more and more amazing!
Series 22 is going to be a big event! But in order to enjoy it properly...
Yeah! First, we need to get series 21!!
That's right! So, everyone, as far as Tempest of Apocalyptic Flame goes...

We hope you enjoooy!!!!!!!!