Cipher Frontier Issue 39
Issue 39: Now Deploying Series 13! A Big, Big Thanks for Three Years!
Hello everyooone!!!
June is already over, Miss Shade!
That's right. And speaking of June...
Yes! Speaking of June!
Rainy season has begun! I have curly hair, so I have to spend a lot of time styling it at this time of year...
I know what you mean! My hair gets all puffy, and the flyaways are unmanageable at this--
Wait, that's not right! Today is a very special daaay!!
That's right. Let's get on with the point.
Alright... one, two...!

It's Fire Emblem Cipher Series 13 release daaay!!!!!!

And, on top of that...

It's Cipher's 3 year anniversary!!!!!! Thank you, everyooone!!!!!!

Today is a doubly auspicious occasion!!
Heh... I'm pleased to be able to celebrate a day like this with everyone.
Oh, speaking of that, I noticed it a bit ago, but you look a lot like Master Randal...
Oh! Sharp eyes! That's right, I am...
...would you happen to be his son?
Really!? Now that you mention it, he really does look similar...
Stop, STOP! I'm Randal! The man himself! The very Randal you're talking about!
We've had this whole discussion before! This is Sir Randal from the past--he's appeared before us before.
Last time he appeared was when we were covering "The Blazing Blade"... I wonder if they are connected somehow?
Yes, I wonder...
Well, it's fine. More importantly, today's a release day, so let's go over Series 13--starting with the Booster Packs!
"Flame, Steel, Thought and Grief" Booster Packs
Featured Titles:
"Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade", "Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon", "Fire Emblem: Heroes"
One 10-card pack: 350 yen (before tax)
One 16-pack box: 5600 yen (before tax)
Wooow! It's Mister Eliwood! So dignified and cool!
Marth looks super cool too! And Sharena's smile is positively radiant!!
We have a connecting illustration of Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector this time!
What an impressive illustration! I will have to collect each of them!
What sort of niches we see in Series 13, I wonder?
The new, special "Increase Skills" are definitely the biggest new addition of note under the Legendary Weapons symbol!
Increase... what do those do?
Increase Skills! You can use them as many times as you want--so long as you pay the appropriate cost each time you use it!
W... what!?
Seems pretty fitting for the "Legendary Weapons" symbol, which puts a heavy focus on support. Heh... getting excited just thinking about the possibilities.
There are a plenty of new cards of note, too!
Wow, you really can't miss the huge effort everyone put into this!
The next title featured is Shadow Dragon. This was a 3DS remake of the original "Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Lite", and this Series is the first time it is being properly represented in Cipher.
This one feels like... a procession of heroes of innumerable battles.
And this time, Marth's card has an ultimate skill that really reflects his battle as a whole!
"Conquest: In the Name of the Hero-King"! If you meet its conditions--reduce the opponent to 0 orbs--and activate the skill--by tapping yourself and 5 other allies--you win the game!
You win!? You just straight up win? Is that allowed!?
In the games, you win simply by seizing the throne, thereby conquering the enemy. With this skill, you recreate the feeling of gathering your allies and winning the map after a long battle!
I wanna try using that skill!!
The third featured title is Heroes! This time, we are including heroes from Part 2!
Master Fjorm and Master Kiran! I am looking forward to seeing what heated battles unfold with their inclusion.
And Feh, too! I wonder what kind of things she can do in battle?
This time, the real showpiece is Sharena! Look! She allows her allies to deploy and level up regardless of what colors are in your Bond area!
That is fitting for Lady Sharena and her tendency to befriend people of all walks of life. What a unique skill! I am looking forward to fighting alongside her!
Heh... yep, gonna have to buy these booster packs too!
Moving on from that, let's talk about the Blazing Blade starter deck!
"The Blazing Blade" Starter Deck
Featured Titles:
"Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade"
1480 yen (before tax)
One 50-card deck, a Lord marker card, a playmat, and a rule book.
This deck is even more powered up than all the ones that have come before it!
Powered up...?
First! A card signed by Makiko Omoto, voice of Lyn, is included!
What a beautiful and cute signature!
I'd be real pleased to get my hands on a card as special as this!
Second! Special versions of certain cards with alternate illustrations are included!
This Hector... it's the same card, but the illustration is different!!
Both Hectors cut such brave figures! I fear I have no choice but to procure both of them.
And third! Some cards have had their illustrations widened for this starter deck!
Take a look at this!
I see... by removing the card border, you can see more of the image. So by buying the starter deck, you can enjoy new forms of the cards in play.
What do you think? This feels like a starter deck revival! And of course, as usual, the deck was created to be easy for beginners to use and enjoy, so it's perfect for those who want to play Cipher!
This has everything you need to play Cipher, right? That seems fairly easy!
The booster packs and starter deck all contain plenty of content for your enjoyment, so pick them up! You can find more details at this page!

Thanks, everyooone!!!!!!

N-Niamh... when did you...
W-what...? Hey, quit staring at me like that.
You look different than when I last saw you... I'd like to study you, but... I have something else I must do for now...
Something else?
Oh! It's that connecting illustration from before, the one with Mister Eliwood and his friends! So cool!
What about this illustration makes it so 'cool'... I borrowed this illustration from its creator in order to research this...
Wait, did you go to Rika Suzuki's house?
She cooperated willingly. And provided these......
Oh...! This appears to be the work in progress--this must be the rough sketch.
And these must be the lines. After making a rough sketch, you have to clean up the lines and solidify the details.
The colors have been refined and you can see the characters more clearly. At this point, all that's left is the detail work.
And at this point, it's just about complete. This is the time for last-minute touches, color-adjustments, and effects. And that's how this illustration was made.
I solicited commentary from the creator as well...
Solicited...? Oh, you mean an interview! Is it written here on this paper? Let's see...
"Q: What did you pay most attention to when creating this picture?"
"Suzuki: I placed an emphasis on impact. Initially, I had wanted to draw Eliwood and Hector a little smaller to create a sense of depth, but when they were separated into their own cards, it made it feel empty, so I brought them forward a little more."
It's amazing how perfect these are, both as a full illustration and three separate pieces!
"Q: What do you want viewers to notice in this image?"
"Suzuki: I hope they see the beauty of RGB! When the three combine forces, they become a holy white light so bright that Nergal behind them has to cover his eyes."
Nergal referring to the main enemy of Eliwood and his group from Blazing Blade. You can see his face peeking out form between Lyn and Eliwood here.
"Q: Any last comments for Cipher players!"
"Suzuki: While each game already has an official illustrator, I cannot be grateful enough that the colorful works of other illustrators like myself have been noticed and appreciated. Thank you, and I hope to work with Cipher more in the future." what she said! Master Suzuki, thank you for your tiiime!
The reason this illustration is so wonderful... yes, I'm beginning to understand...
Wow, this is great information! Hey, not bad, you!
This girl is a mystery...
Well, I think that's enough for our little introduction--time to go buy Series 13!
I'm so happy to see Series 13 be released... and on top of that, our third anniversary!!
It is all thanks to you who support us!
In response, we've gotta give it our all from here on out, even more and more!
Without a doubt.
So for everything until this and moving on, from us and Cipher to you...

Thank you everyooone!!!!!!

Thanks... for three years......