Cipher Frontier Issue 42
Issue 42: Counting Down the Days... Comiket!

Miss Shade! Miss Shaaade!

What is it, Emma? What's got you all worked up...
Miss Shade, did you know!? I heard Cipher's gonna be at that again!
Ufufu... so this is about that... of course I already knew.
Ah, Miss Niamh! The thing is... Cipher's gonna have a table again!
Yes, at that...
At Winter Comiket!!
Comiket... what's that...?
Um, let's see, how to put it...
I'll give you an explanation!
Wah! Alice!
If this is about Comiket, leave it to me! Ask me anything!
Anything... wasn't last year your first time attending?
Actually, in addition to Cipher's table at last year's Winter Comiket, my lady also participated in Summer Comiket this year--despite the fact that Cipher was not tabling.
Heheh! That's right! I'm not the same lost little girl I was last year! I'll give you a rundown!
Comiket, short for "Comic Market", is the world's largest doujinshi event. It's held twice a year!
It is being held for three days from 12/29 to 12/31 this year as well. The location is Tokyo Big Site! You can recognize it by its unique triangular shape!
A large number of people are gathering... it seems like a large event...
No doubt about it! Over all three days, it usually gets over 500,000 attendees!
Cipher is always in the corporate booth area at Winter Comiket.
The location is 3161 on West 4F. It's marked by Corrin on this map.
Oh? Are we talking about Comiket?
That was a lotta fun... was it already a whole year ago? Time flies!
Seems like the others are trickling in...
So what're they gonna be selling this year?
There will be all sorts of goods at the Cipher booth. Well, I have that information specially prepared for today!
This is the first time this information will be released publicly--we purchased it directly from Producer Kawade.
Alright, let's begin!
First are these--special Fan Boxes! There are two versions: the White version and the Black version!
Are they different than the Player Boxes that were sold last year?
They've redone the contents! This time, it's full of things that any Fire Emblem fan will enjoy--not just Cipher players! That's why it's a Fan Box!
The contents look as pictured. This is the White box.
And this one, the Black box.
What do you think? A character pouch, an A5 binder, a card stand, a storage box... this is full of useful goods, isn't it!
Certainly it's full of things you can use in your day-to-day life.
The calendar cards from 2019 are also included, so you can use the card stand with those to use your favorite card alongside the calendar!
Does that special marker card display those 4 dragon-shifting girls? I will need to display it on my card stand as well!
Waaah! They made acrylic keychains out of Miss Corrin's and Miss Lucina's promo cards! They're so cool!
And you said before that the box it all comes in works as a storage box for your cards too, right? No room for improvement here, seems perfect!
Right, right! If you're going to buy one thing at Comiket, it's gotta be this! Get both White and Black if you can!
S... such hustle...
White... and Black...
Next on display is this! Our newest CD--"Galeforce"!
The Cavalier Duo from Intelligent Systems' Sound Staff have come out with a new album full of performances of pieces from across the Fire Emblem series! This year's pièce de résistance!
This year's offering contains 10 pieces, with a focus on battle map themes.
It is full to the brim with songs you hear often while playing the games. The Cavalier Duo's arrangements are always fantastic--I am looking forward to listening!
And on top of that, with each purchase of the CD, you will receive a signed promo card!
Looks like it matches the packaging. Don't you want one for yourself?
In standard Comiket fashion, this is a CD you won't be able to buy in stores. Isn't that fun!
It seems that the "Galeforce" title on the CD was hand-written by Producer Kawade.
! That's an interesting fact...
That's not all! We have new additions to the beloved "Cipher Artworks" series as well!
Artworks 13 contains illustrations of characters from Blazing Blade, Shadow Dragon, and Heroes as they appeared in Series 13; Artworks 14, conversely, contains characters from Awakening, Fates: Birthright, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE as they appeared in Series 14.
Both are full of nothing but beautiful illustrations~
I'm so happy to get to see these illustrations of Mister Eliwood and Miss Lucina in detail like this!
We'll also be selling the Extra Artworks illustration book, which was a huge hit at the summer event! It's comprised of special illustrations that were drawn for the third anniversary--don't miss your opportunity to get your hands on it!
Well, if you ask me, the highlight was definitely all the swimsuit pictures.
We have one more brand new item, too: this B2 Tapestry!
Ohh! B2 size really is large!
Isn't it?! We have four varieties right now: Lucina, Tiki, Camilla, and Celica!
The fabric is a thick double suede, and the image print is wonderfully vivid.
I wonder which one to pick... each one has it's charms, so I'm stuck!
? This "Celica"... could it be...?
That's right! What a surprise! It's a brand-new illustration that is going to be featured on a card releasing in Series 16!
Wooow~! T-That's amazing! They really did that...!
If you hang one of these in your room, it will look absolutely delightful. Without a doubt!
Yeah... definitely gives the place a sort of warmth.
Wait--I almost forgot! The playmats! This time, we have the swimsuit-clad Lucina and female Corrin!
Whooaaa! They're both so cuuuute!
What a design! Cipher's come far.
If you have a playmat, handling your cards during a match becomes much easier.
...the elasticity, the friction coefficient... this is suitable for play.
And the illustration is so large, so it's perfect from a decorative standpoint as well. It's a must-have for players!
And one last thing I have to present you all: more domiteriors! At Winter Comiket this year we will have these 15 varieties!
These can be fastened and carried around, or stood up as a display piece. A wonderful item.
The real thing looks a lot glossier as well, very cool!
I'm gonna buy a lot of them!
Acrylic Keychains... I will need to procure some for my research...
That's all for goods... buuuut! Everyone who buys something at the Cipher table will receive this promo card!
Wooow! It's a card of Miss Lilina!
How cute!
Hm...? It looks like there's a skill written upon it that I have not seen before...?
You have sharp eyes! This is a card that is releasing in March of next year with Series 16--you can even see the skills on it here!
So it wasn't just the tapestry, but cards from series 16 as well? This is some special content...!
You can get a special taste of series 16 in advance of its release--only at Comiket.
The latest information... I will need to procure that as well...
A sweet reward for buying some sweet products! Let's head over to the Cipher table at Comiket!
Ah, right! One more thing!
Huh? You have more!?
It's an urgent announcement! I heard there's going to be a special event with special guests on days 2 and 3 of Comiket!
What!? Who will be coming!?
Unfortunately, we do not have that information yet. However, that, along with more details on the available goods, will be made public on the next Cipher Livestream.
...That's the Series 15 Special Prerelease Livestream on Saturday, 12/8.
You'll be able to see it on NicoNico and Youtube, so everyone, tune in!
I wonder who's gonna be there~. I'm so exciiited!
I wonder who will be there~. I'm looking forward to it. Ufufufu...
Yeah. Wonder who's gonna be there. Can't wait to see. Ahahaha!
W-What is with you all...?
That all being said, that's all I have prepared for today... so, do you just about understand what Comiket's all about?
Very interesting. I'll be sure to go...
If you don't mind, let's all go together.
Yes! Come forth! Tokyo Big Sight!
Oh, you may need to line up for entrance to Comiket, so I recommend you dress for the weather and prepare for the cold.
Got iiit! I'll wear my sweater!
Man, talking about Comiket really makes it feel like the end of the year~
You're right... it's the last big event of the year! Let's be sure to get properly excited about it!
Make sure to mind your manners while you enjoy Comic Market.
With that, everyone...

See you at Comikeeet!

...see you.