Card Collection Tracker
Track your Fire Emblem Cipher card collection and view your progress for each series.
  • Easily manage your wishlist, duplicates and favorite cards.
  • Import your collection from a spreadsheet file.
  • Showcase your collection with anyone or keep it private.
  • Keep track of your marker cards and collection goods too!
Deck Builder
Build your decks with detailed statistics using our online deck builder and share them with the community.
  • Manage all your decks and drafts from your profile.
  • Import your Lackey decks in seconds.
  • Keep track of every updates of your decks.
  • Set your deck as public to be referenced on Cipher Compendium, as unlisted to share it with your friends or as private.
Booster Simulator
Simulate opening Fire Emblem Cipher booster packs and booster boxes.
  • Open boosters from all Fire Emblem Cipher series.
  • Build up your virtual collection from the boosters you've opened. Don't forget to sign in to save your collection.
  • The card odds are as faithful as possible to the real boosters.
  • Open individual 10-card boosters or boxes of 16 boosters.
Card Creator
Make your own Fire Emblem Cipher cards.
  • Customize every aspect of your card like a real Cipher card.
  • Easily place your image art or art from illustrators (don't forget to ask permission first!)
  • Save, manage and edit your custom cards from your profile.
  • It's still in development, so expect additional features in the future. Have suggestions? Let us know on our Discord!
Comprehensive Cipher Resource
Explore all Fire Emblem Cipher cards and everything related to the TCG.
  • Search, filter and sort every cards released from boosters, starter decks and promotional cards.
  • Browse cards of your favorite artists or heroes and enjoy gorgeous artworks with matching and textless art.
  • Have a look at all Fire Emblem Cipher-related goods, including the most unusual for a card game.
Booster Simulator

Fixed HNX pull and duplicates in the same booster.

Books and collection updates
19 December 2024 Zemnoes
Books update

The list and data of Nintendo Dream and Dengeki Nintendo magazines talking about Fire Emblem Cipher have been updated and Album Books volume 01 to 04 have been added with and without their cards. In total, for all books, this means over 450 viewable pages.

The Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition artbook data has been reviewed and corrected.

I'm looking for Cipher pages for the following magazines:

  • Dengeki Nintendo 09/2016
  • Dengeki Nintendo 12/2016
  • V-Jump 09/2015

If you can help me, please contact me via Discord or e-mail (

Collection update
  • [Collection/Cards] More than one rarity can now be selected at a time.
  • [Collection/Markers] You can now specify a quantity for each marker.
  • [Collection/Wishlist] Added a button to clear your wishlist entirely.
  • [Collection/Wishlist] Added a button for graying cards that you have in collection.
  • [Collection/Favorite] Added button to clear your favorite cards entirely.
  • [Collection/Favorite] Added a button for graying cards that you have in collection
  • [Users/Settings] Added a list of predetermined avatars (27 avatars).
  • [Cards] Added Booster Series B05 and B06 card scans (198 scans).
  • [Textless Art] Added 23 new and 30 higher-quality illustrations (thanks to Lady Estelle for finding missing and higher quality illustrations).
  • [Textless Art] Added a gallery mode; increased number of illustrations by page from 48 to 72.
Thanks for your support

Cipher Compendium has become considerably bigger in 2024, both in terms of content and users, as many of you have joined us. Thank you all for visiting Cipher Compendium and for all the feedback I received to improve the site. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay tuned for 2025, as updates are planned!

Very special thanks to (in no particular order) AuriSkara, JayShee, Flann, Yufireemblem, Beecil and Marioha who supported me through Patreon this year.

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