Unique: 17 Total: 51
MC Shiro, Prince Polishing his Spearmanship
02 Sep 2024, 10:01

This midrange black and white deck is based on Shiro's unique trait of being a turn 2 MC that can defend for 90 against every sword in the meta, which is a surprisingly big amount of cards. This deck can have devastating turns 3 and 4, and if the enemy is unable to defend, they will simply die to the aggro, but if they survive, they are still likely facing an MC that can consistently defend for 70 to 90. Jakob is there to close out the games, and if you have at least 1 orb left while the enemy has 0, by turn 7 you can secure a victory by class changing to Swordmaster 4/3 Shiro, deploying Jakob, and have him hit for ranged base 80 unavoidable. If the opponent survives past turn 7 start praying. Don't underestimate how strong 3/2 Felicia can be, and the fact that if you are winning but the enemy refuses to hit you, Felicia works as "free card draw" by killing Shiro if she fails an attack so you can draw an orb. Anankos is there to boardwipe when everything is lost.

Works surprisingly well against most sword MCs, specially if their main promotion is turn 4.

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2024 September 2 • 10:01
  • B17-051R Quantity changed from ×2 to ×3
2024 September 2 • 09:57
  • Deck creation