MC Canas, Scholar of Ancient Magics
52 cards 18 unique cards
2 Sep 2024

Deck designed to maximize Canas survival at early game and optimize resources management at late game. 

Manaketes are good walls to protect Canas from others MCs, Tiki and the cost 1 allows bond ramping, and skills like Myrrh and Fae allows reclicle cards from the flipped bonds area. This allows spam Canas´s main skill and draw with Mae, Lute and Maria skills.

Marth skill can be combined with Canas Skill so is possible get any tome affinity card and a c1 magic emblem card with only discard one card from the hand, Delthea and Mae are the main target of this skill. Lute is a alternative to Mart, cant generate hand with her main skill but allows handfix in case of a bricked hand and delete units with high attack.

Maria is option that can be deploy cheaply if there is a Myrrh in game and also is a support 30 with tome affinity. Shade is a magic emblem card that is used to counter some yellow decks, can be replaced by c1 Mae. Etze is a red darkness emblem card, used mainly for situations where is needed to force the opponet to discard hand cards with Canas. 

The deck main weak is the opponent early agression, so is important to get him behind as fast as posible. Also the deck is sensible to color imbalace because is normal depend of Lute´s support skill wich require flip purple bonds to be activated, because of that is important to prefer activate any other skill with red colored bonds.

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